Conference Agenda
Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).
Session Overview |
Date: Monday, 07/Oct/2024 | ||
8:30am - 9:30am |
Registration - Registro Entrance USAL Rectorado Building - Planta Baja Rectorado USAL
Rodríguez Peña Street, 640 |
9:30am - 1:00pm |
Workshop 1 Location: Aula 2 - Primer piso En español
Workshop Sistemas de HTR, ediciones digitales y acceso al patrimonio textual: taller sobre Transkribus (READ Coop) y EVT (Edition Visualization Technology) University of Verona, Italy |
Workshop 2 Location: Aula 6 - Segundo piso En español
Workshop Introducción a la codificación de música utilizando el formato de la Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal |
11:00am - 11:30am |
Break 1 - Pausa Café 1 |
1:00pm - 2:00pm |
Lunch - Almuerzo |
2:00pm - 5:00pm |
Workshop 3 Location: Aula 2 - Primer piso En español e Inglés - In Spanish and English
Workshop Producing Semantic Digital Editions Using LEAF Commons Tools / Creación de ediciones digitales semánticas con las herramientas de LEAF Commons 1: Bucknell University, USA; 2: Newcastle University, United Kingdom; 3: Universidad de Buenos Aires |
5:00pm - 8:00pm |
Guided tour BA -Visita guiada BA |
Date: Tuesday, 08/Oct/2024 | |
8:30am - 9:30am |
Registration - Registro Entrance USAL Rectorado Building - Planta Baja Rectorado USAL
Rodríguez Peña Street, 640 |
9:30am - 1:00pm |
Workshop 5 Location: Aula 6 - Segundo piso In English
Workshop Introduction to publishing TEI with static sites and front-end technologies University of Maryland, United States of America |
9:30am - 5:00pm |
Workshop 4 Location: Aula 2 - Primer piso En español
Workshop TEI Publisher: ediciones sofisticadas sin necesidad de programar 1: Jinntec, Germany; 2: e-editiones, Switzerland |
11:00am - 11:30am |
Break 1 - Pausa Café 1 |
1:00pm - 2:00pm |
Lunch - Almuerzo |
2:00pm - 5:00pm |
Workshop 6 Location: Aula 6 - Segundo piso In English
Workshop Navigating and Processing Data from the TEI with XSLT 1: Penn State Erie, United States of America; 2: University of Graz, Austria; 3: Heidelberg University, Germany |
5:00pm - 7:00pm |
Visit National Library - Visita Guiada BN |
Date: Wednesday, 09/Oct/2024 | |||
8:30am - 9:30am |
Registration - Registro Entrance USAL Rectorado Building - Planta Baja Rectorado USAL
Rodríguez Peña Street, 640 |
9:30am - 11:00am |
Long Papers 1 Location: Aula 2 - Primer piso Chair: Clayton McCarl, Univ. of North Florida TEI Good Practices - Buenas Prácticas en TEI
Long Paper El lenguaje de los libros: analizando los inventarios de libros en Navarra en los siglos XVI y XVII Indiana University Bloomington, United States of America Long Paper Encoding Edgeworth: TEI Development for Correspondence and Entity Indices University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States of America |
Long Papers 2 Location: Aula 3 - Primer piso Chair: Elisa Beshero-Bondar, Penn State Erie Large Language Models and TEI
Long Paper Empowering Text Encoding with Large Language Models: Benefits and Challenges University of Graz, Austria Long Paper Enhancing Technical Knowledge Acquisition with RAG Systems: the TEI use case 1: MandaNetwork, France; 2: ENSTA Paris, France Long Paper From Catullus to Wikidata: Language Models, Metadata Schemes, and Ontologies in a Digital Edition in XML TEI 1: UNLP; 2: CONICET; 3: AAHD; 4: UNSL |
Long Papers 3 Location: Aula 6 - Segundo piso Chair: Raff Viglianti, University of Maryland Non western cultures
Long Paper TEI and Right to Left Scripts: How We Got Here and What We Can Do About It Duke University, United States of America Long Paper Dubsar: A New Approach to Rendering TEI Documents and Non-Western Text Independent Reseacher |
11:00am - 11:30am |
Break 1 - Pausa Café 1 |
11:30am - 1:00pm |
Panel 1 Location: Aula 3 - Primer piso Chair: Gimena del Rio Riande, CONICET Panel TEI for Black DH: A Conversation between Revue des Colonies and Keywords for Black Louisiana 1: University of Maryland, United States of America; 2: University of Chicago; 3: Yale University; 4: Johns Hopkins University; 5: University of Connecticut; 6: Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle |
Short Papers 1 Location: Aula 2 - Primer piso Chair: Hugh Cayless, Duke University TEI workflows
Short Paper Lessons learned from developing a customisable tool for TEI processing and handling of various TEI schemas 1: Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Digital Humanities; 2: National Laboratory for Digital Humanities; 3: Eötvös Loránd University, Atelier Department of Interdisciplinary History; 4: Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Informatics Short Paper EasyDrama: a lightweight solution for encoding plays in TEI/XML Digital Humanities Potsdam Short Paper From Annotations in TEI to Natural Language Processing: A Computational Analysis of Characters in Calderón Drama Corpus 1: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany; 2: Universität Stuttgart, Germany Short Paper C is for Co(nsortium|uncil|llaboration|ntributors|mmunity), or What Can GitHub Issues Tell Us About the TEI? Simon Fraser University, Canada Short Paper Neolatina Sarmatica - from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0 Jagiellonian University, Poland |
Short Papers 2 Location: Aula 6 - Segundo piso Chair: Nicolás Lázaro, UCSF Minimal TEI - TEI para ediciones mínimas
Short Paper Una solución minimalista al problema de la representación de la red de motivos artísticos en el Libro de Alexandre IIBICRIT-CONICET, Argentine Republic Short Paper The accidental maximalist: Or, what's so minimal about minimal editions? Rutgers University, United States of America Short Paper MiniFierro: la voz del gaucho a través del marcado TEI Universidad del Salvador, Argentine Republic Short Paper Edición digital anotada del "Diálogo sobre la historia de la pintura en México" Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, Mexico Short Paper Hacia una edición crítica digital de los documentos del archivo de María Mercedes Carranza relacionados con la ANC Universidad de los Andes, Colombia |
1:00pm - 3:00pm |
Lunch - Almuerzo |
3:00pm - 4:30pm |
Long Papers 4 Location: Aula 2 - Primer piso Chair: Carlos Nusch, UNLP CONICET AAHD Encoding and analysis 1 - Codificación y análisis 1
Long Paper Interfaces de visualización de ediciones digitales académicas en XML-TEI: el caso de la Biblioteca Digital del Progetto Mambrino University of Verona, Italy Long Paper TEI and IIIF Technologies in the Native Bound Unbound Project Performant Software, United States of America Long Paper Good practice built in: case study of e-editiones community e-editiones, Poland |
Long Papers 5 Location: Aula 3 - Primer piso Chair: Martha Eladia Thomae Elias, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Encoding and analysis 2 - Codificación y análisis 2
Long Paper ¿Cómo editar los censos de esclavos? Univ. of North Florida, United States of America Long Paper Encoding Travel Literature: Analyzing European Cultural Heritage through the Perspective of Latin American Women Writers Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal |
Long Papers 6 Location: Aula 6 - Segundo piso Chair: Gabriel Calarco, IIBICRIT-CONICET Théâtre classique, Siglo de Oro, and TEI - Teatro clásico, Siglo de Oro y TEI
Long Paper French Drama in TEI: A Workflow for the Continuous Integration of the "Théâtre classique" Corpus into the DraCor Infrastructure 1: Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 2: Universität Potsdam, Germany; 3: Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik, Germany Long Paper LA CODIFICACIÓN EN XML-TEI DEL TEATRO ESPAÑOL DEL SIGLO DE ORO: PROBLEMAS, SOLUCIONES, ORTODOXIA Y HETERODOXIA Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain Long Paper Hacia el nuevo paradigma de edición filológica digital: contratiempos, prejuicios y el valor de la labor digital University of Miami, United States of America |
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Break 2 - Café 2 |
5:00pm - 7:00pm |
<TEI o no TEI, esa es la cuestión/> - <TEI or not TEI, that is the question/> Location: Aula Magna Medicina. Córdoba Avenue, 1601 José Manuel Fradejas Rueda (Universidad de Valladolid)
Keynote in Spanish |
7:00pm - 8:00pm |
Welcome Wine - Vino de Bienvenida |
Date: Thursday, 10/Oct/2024 | |||
9:00am - 11:30am |
TEI Annual Members' Meeting Location: Aula 3 - Primer piso |
Registration - Registro Entrance USAL Rectorado Building - Planta Baja Rectorado USAL Rodríguez Peña Street, 640 |
11:00am - 11:30am |
Break 1 - Pausa Café 1 |
11:30am - 1:00pm |
Short Papers 3 Location: Aula 2 - Primer piso Chair: Martina Scholger, University of Graz Markup and narratives
Short Paper Interlibrary Collaborations: Forging Antiracist, Decolonial, and Inclusive Markup Interventions in Partnership 1: Simon Fraser University, Canada; 2: University of British Columbia, Canada Short Paper Using FairCopy Editor to Encode Blackenss and Indigeneity in Sor Juana’s Villancicos Negros Texas A&M University, United States of America Short Paper Our History is Missing: Digital Sustainability to Preserve the Legacy of Canadian Lesbian Activism University of Ottawa, Canada |
Short Papers 4 Location: Aula 3 - Primer piso Chair: Frank Fischer, Freie Universität Berlin TEI in multiple languages - TEI en múltiples lenguas
Short Paper Edición digital e hipertexto: Plataforma multi editorial y multilingüe para textos académicos y literarios UBA, Argentine Republic Short Paper The “Foreign” Element in Yiddish Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Short Paper Japanese Texts and TEI: A Gap Analysis 1: International Institute for Digital Humanities; 2: Keio University; 3: Musashino University; 4: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics Short Paper Edición crítico-genética digital de "Frutos de mi tierra" (1896) de Tomás Carrasquilla Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia Short Paper Evolving Hands: Investigating Conversion Transformations for HTR to TEI Data Workflows 1: Newcastle University, United Kingdom; 2: Bucknell University, USA |
Short Papers 5 Location: Aula 6 - Segundo piso Chair: Helena Bermúdez Sabel, Jinntec Image, Music, and TEI - Imagen, música y TEI
Short Paper Developing An Integrated TEI Viewer for East Asian Classics 1: International Institute for Digital Humanities, Japan and Keio University, Japan; 2: FLX STYLE CO., LTD.; 3: Musashino University and The University of Tokyo Short Paper Aplicación de tecnologías de digitalización y codificación para la preservación del patrimonio musical de Guatemala Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon, Spain Short Paper From Cinema to Publishing, there and back: Encoding a Corpus of Letters Between Filmmakers and Publishers in XML TEI Université de Mons, Belgium Short Paper Cartographer App University of Paderborn |
1:00pm - 3:00pm |
Lunch - Almuerzo |
3:00pm - 4:30pm |
Long Papers 7 Location: Aula 2 - Primer piso Chair: Diane Jakacki, Bucknell University Accessibility, interoperability and Sustainability
Long Paper Integrating TEI XML with Existing Semantic Web Practices for Enhanced Accessibility and Interoperability in Scholarly Editions HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungary Long Paper Can we apply the new CMC chapter to the TEI Listserv Archives? An experiment with TEI for Correspondence and Computer-Mediated Communication 1: Penn State Erie, United States of America; 2: Northeastern University, United States of America Long Paper Towards a LLM-powered encoding workflow for plays / Hacia un flujo de trabajo de codificación para obras de teatro impulsado por LLM 1: University of Potsdam; 2: University of Padua |
Long Papers 8 Location: Aula 3 - Primer piso Chair: Gustavo Fernández Riva, University of Heidelberg Encoding and analysis 3
Long Paper Editing Early-Born Digital Text in TEI University of Würzburg, Germany Long Paper Integrating Deep Learning and Philology: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Processing of János Arany’s Legacy HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungary Long Paper Chasing ‘Carmen Nova’: Encoding and Analysis of a TEI Version of the Crime Novella Allegedly Written by Umberto Eco 1: Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 2: University of Siegen, Germany |
Panel 2 Location: Aula 6 - Segundo piso Chair: Stefano Bazzaco, University of Verona Qué está pasando con la TEI en español?
Panel ¿Qué está pasando con la TEI en español? 1: CONICET, Argentine Republic; 2: University of Miami, USA; 3: University of Florida, USA; 4: Universidad de Salamanca (España) y Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia) |
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Break 2 - Café 2 |
5:00pm - 5:45pm |
In Memoriam C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen Location: Aula 3 - Primer piso Chair: Elisa Beshero-Bondar, Penn State Erie |
5:45pm - 7:00pm |
Poster Slam and Poster Session Location: Aula 3 - Primer piso Chair: James Cummings, Newcastle University Poster Establishing Best Practices for TEI Encoding of Newspapers: A Case Study of the Darmstädter Tagblatt Centre for Digital Editions in Darmstadt (CEiD), ULB, TU Darmstadt, Germany Poster Developing a Base Format for Heterogeneous Texts According to the TEI P5 Guidelines University and State Library Darmstadt, Germany Poster Codificación TEI y análisis de redes: a propósito de Calderón Drama Corpus (CalDraCor) v.2.0 1: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany; 2: Universität Stuttgart, Germany Poster Enter the <stage>. A Review of the Encoding of Stage Directions within the TEI Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Germany Poster The Adaptive TEI Network: Antiracist, Decolonial, and Inclusive Markup Interventions University of British Columbia, Canada Poster A Python Library for TEI Conversion into Edition Formats 1: Independent researcher; 2: Digital Humanities Potsdam Poster Visualizing the Frankenstein Variorum 1: Penn State Erie, United States of America; 2: University of Maryland, United States of America; 3: Northeastern University, United States of America Poster The Revue des Colonies Scholarly Edition and Translation: a Distributed and Bilingual TEI Project 1: University of Maryland, United States of America; 2: University of Connecticut, United States of America Poster TEI Publisher 9: más allá de TEI y de la publicación / TEI Publisher 9: going beyond TEI and publication 1: e-editiones, Switzerland; 2: Jinntec, Germany |
9:00pm - 11:00pm |
Conference Dinner Location: Esquina Homero Manzi Esquina Homero Manzi.
3601, San Juan Avenue (San Juan y Boedo)
Date: Friday, 11/Oct/2024 | |
11:00am - 1:00pm |
TEI para las comunidades de Humanidades Digitales: edición digital, análisis computacional, escritura científica Location: Botica del ángel. 543, Luis Sáenz Peña Street Ulrike Henny-Krahmer (University of Rostock) -
Keynote in Spanish |
1:00pm - 3:00pm |
Farewell Wine and Tango - Vino de despedida y tango + Botica del Ángel Tour Orquesta Los Mazorqueros (tango) |
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