Index of Authors

A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.

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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X   Y  Z  Ç  Ü 
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Author(s) Session
Yan, ChiweiMD6 - PF4
Yan, JuliaTC12 - FL7
Yan, ZhenzhenMD2 - HC4
Yang, HaiyingMA12 - FL1
Yang, S: AlexSD05 - SIG iFORM4, MA6 - PF1
Yang, XiaotangMC6- PF3
Yayla-Kullu, H. MugeMC12 - FL3, TB9 - SM4  Presenter
Ybarra Arana, DiegoMA9 - EF1
Ye, JunchiMC8 - RM3
Ye, ZikunSB04 - SIG Service2  Presenter, SC01 - SIG SCM3  Presenter
Yee, Shok-JeanTA12 - FL5
Yeo, Nicholas Teck BoonMB3- HC10
Yeung, HowaTD2 - HC8
Yom-Tov, Galit B.MA2 - HC1, TC4 - BO7
Yoo, Onesun SteveMB12 - FL2
Young-Hyman, TrevorSC03 - SIG Sustainable3
Yu, HaoranTD11 - RT11
Yu, QiupingSC04 - SIG Service3  Discussant, TC1 - SO5  Presenter
Yu, YugangMC12 - FL3
Yucesan, EnverMC12 - FL3