Index of Authors

A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.

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Author(s) Session
Dabadghao, ShaunakTD5 - EF5
Dada, MaqboolMD9 - SM2, TD9 - SM6
Dai, HengchenMC12 - FL3
Daniels, Kaitlin MarieMC6- PF3  Presenter
Dauvin, AntoninTB2- HC6
David, GuySB02 - SIG Healthcare2
Daw, AndrewSE02 - SIG Healthcare5  Discussant, TB7 - SM7  Presenter
Dawande, MilindSA03 - SIG Sustainable1
de Kok, TonMC7 - IL3
De Munck, ThomasMA6 - PF1  Presenter
De Reyck, BertMB12 - FL2
de Véricourt, FrancisMA11 - ML1
de Zegher, JoannTD1- SO6
de Zegher, Joann FTD1- SO6
Debo, LaurensSC04 - SIG Service3  Discussant
DeHoratius, NicoleTB10 - RT6
Delana, Kraig EdwardTD2 - HC8  Presenter
Delarue, ArthurMC11 - ML3
Demeulemeester, ErikTA12 - FL5
den Boer, Arnoud V.MB12 - FL2  Presenter
Denz, ChristofMC2 - HC3
DeRoos, LukeTA3 - HC13  Presenter
Deshmane, AbhishekTB9 - SM4  Presenter
Désir, AntoineTA11 - ML5  Presenter
Dhingra, VibhutiSE01 - SIG SCM5
Dierks, LudwigTD12 - FL8
Digalakis, VassilisMA9 - EF1  Presenter
Ding, HaoTB12 - FL6, TD2 - HC8
Ding, JiataoTD3 - HC16  Presenter
Dizdarer, TolgaMB6 -PF2  Presenter
Doetsch, SebastianTA1 - SO3
Dolgui, AlexandreTB5 - SCM6
Dolkart, CaitlinTB6 - Africa Initiative
Dong, JingSD02 - SIG Healthcare4, TB3 - HC14, TC8 - RM6
Du, HaokunMD12 - FL4  Presenter