Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
SD03 - SIG Sustainable4: Emerging Topics: Agricultural Operations and Ocean Waste Recycling
Sunday, 26/June/2022:
SD 15:00-16:30

Session Chair: Can Zhang
Session Chair: Yangfang Helen Zhou
Location: Forum 7

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Innovative business models in ocean-bound plastic recycling

Opher Baron1, Gonzalo Romero1, Zhuoluo Zhang2, Sean Xiang Zhou2

1Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada; 2CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

Discussant: Robert Swinney (Duke University)

30 million tons of plastic reach the ocean each year, most from developing countries. We study novel business models to address this problem. Firms profitably recycle plastic to reduce ocean pollution while positively impacting local communities. They sell (a) plastic offsets and (b) segregated plastic. We analyze a supply chain model of (a), (b) or both. Adopting both attains larger environmental and social impacts and profitability. We use empirical data to unveil additional insights.

Improving cash-constrained smallholder farmers' revenue: The role of government loans

Kenneth Pay1, Somya Singhvi2, Yanchong Zheng1

1Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2University of Southern California

Discussant: Jayashankar Swaminathan (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

A critical challenge faced by smallholder farmers is that the need for immediate cash often forces them to sell their crops at sub-optimal times. This paper develops a game-theoretic model to examine how cash constraints influence farmers' selling decisions across the harvest and lean seasons, as well as to analyze the efficacy of government loan programs in improving farmers' revenue. Finally, we use field data of Bengal gram farmers in India to empirically validate and quantify our insights.

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