Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Monday, 27/June/2022
MA 8:30-10:00 MA1 - SO1: Strategies for social sustainability
Location: Forum 1-3
Chair: Xabier Barriola
MA2 - HC1: Emergency departments 1
Location: Forum 6
Chair: Asterios Tsiourvas
MA3 - HC9: Healthcare applications 3
Location: Forum 7
Chair: Fernanda Bravo
MA4 - BO1: Behavioral newsvendor
Location: Forum 8
Chair: Michael Becker-Peth
MA5 - SCM1: Digital technology in SCM
Location: Forum 9
Chair: Janice Carrillo
MA6 - PF1: Platform management
Location: Forum 10
Chair: Thomas De Munck
MA7 - IL1: Logistics
Location: Forum 11
Chair: Sérgio Vasconcelos Castro
MA8 - RM1: Dynamic pricing
Location: Forum 12
Chair: Laura Niome Sprenkels
MA9 - EF1: Solar energy
Location: Forum 13
Chair: Tarkan Tan
MA10 - RT1: Retail channels
Location: Forum 14
Chair: Tim Schlaich
MA11 - ML1: Learning methods
Location: Forum 15
Chair: Ho-Yin Mak
MA12 - FL1: Flash: Sustainable Operations
Location: Forum 16
Chair: Alexander Bloemer
Coffee break M 10:00-10:30: Coffee break Monday morning
MB 10:30-12:00 MB1 - SO2: Auditing for sustainability
Location: Forum 1-3
Chair: Bengisu Urlu
MB2- HC2: Emergency departments 2
Location: Forum 6
Chair: Vera Tilson
MB3- HC10: Healthcare inventory management
Location: Forum 7
Chair: Nikos Trichakis
MB4 - BO2: Behavior in queues
Location: Forum 8
Chair: Hummy Song
MB5 - SCM2: Publication and faculty strategy in OM
Location: Forum 9
Chair: Richard Daniel Metters
MB6 -PF2: Multi-homing in platforms
Location: Forum 10
Chair: Sandeep Chitla
MB7 - IL2: Warehouse management
Location: Forum 11
Chair: Reeju Guha
MB8 - RM2: Capacity aspects of revenue management
Location: Forum 12
Chair: Mika Sumida
MB9 - EF2: Wind power energy
Location: Forum 13
Chair: Emre Nadar
MB10 - RT2: Omnichannel design
Location: Forum 14
Chair: Yale Herer
MB11 - ML2: Applications of Learning
Location: Forum 15
Chair: Morvarid Rahmani
MB12 - FL2: Flash: Revenue Management and Machine Learning
Location: Forum 16
Chair: Eunji Lee
MSOM Business Meeting - Lunch M 12:15-13:45: MSOM Business Meeting & Monday Lunch
Location: Forum 1-3
MC 14:00-15:30 MC1: Panel: The future of OM conferences
Location: Forum 1-3
Chair: Atalay Atasu
The future of OM conferences
MC2 - HC3: Patient scheduling
Location: Forum 6
Chair: Christos Zacharias
MC3 - HC11: Healthcare resources
Location: Forum 7
Chair: Chaoyu Zhang
MC4 - BO3: Performance and feedback
Location: Forum 8
Chair: Tom Tan
MC5 - SCM3: R&D in supply chains
Location: Forum 9
Chair: Yasemin Limon
MC6- PF3: Ride hailing
Location: Forum 10
Chair: Saif Benjaafar
MC7 - IL3: Manufacturing
Location: Forum 11
Chair: Florian E. Sachs
MC8 - RM3: Auctions and mechanisms
Location: Forum 12
Chair: Alireza Fallah
MC9 - SM1: Transportation Services
Location: Forum 13
Chair: Kashish Arora
MC10 - RT3: Omnichannel strategy
Location: Forum 14
Chair: Wenxin Xu
MC11 - ML3: Prediction and regret
Location: Forum 15
Chair: Omar Mouchtaki
MC12 - FL3: Flash: Inventory and behavioral models
Location: Forum 16
Chair: Alexander Bloemer
Coffee break M 15:30:16:00: Coffee break Monday afternoon
MD 16:00-17:30 MD1 - DEI: MSOM: Diversity, equity, inclusion
Location: Forum 1-3
Chair: Siddharth Singh
Chair: Anupam Agrawal
Participants: Sherwat Elwan Ibrahim, Rohit Verma, Jun Li & Christiane Barz
MD2 - HC4: Appointment scheduling
Location: Forum 6
Chair: Siddharth Arora
MD3- HC12: Approval and testing in healthcare
Location: Forum 7
Chair: Wendy Olsder
MD4 - BO4: Human machine interaction
Location: Forum 8
Chair: Bryce Hunter McLaughlin
MD5 - SCM4: Supply chain innovations
Location: Forum 9
Chair: Hao Jiang
MD6 - PF4: Freight markets and platform pricing
Location: Forum 10
Chair: Donghao Zhu
MD7 - IL4: Flexibility and sharing
Location: Forum 11
Chair: Karca D. Aral
MD8 - RM4: Analytics for pricing
Location: Forum 12
Chair: Jean Pauphilet
MD9 - SM2: Service operations applications 1
Location: Forum 13
Chair: Evgeny Kagan
MD10 - RT4: Assortment planning 1
Location: Forum 14
Chair: Fernando Bernstein
MD11 - ML4: Bandit algorithms
Location: Forum 15
Chair: Daniel Russo
MD12 - FL4: Flash: Supply Chain Management
Location: Forum 16
Chair: Niklas Tuma

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