Conference Agenda

Innovation in the metallurgical sector for a better sustainable management
Wednesday, 06/Sept/2023:
4:30pm - 6:00pm

Session Chair: Denis Chevé, Befesa Stainless Recycling, France
Session Chair: Gert Van Hoof, Umicore, Belgium
Location: Théâtre Marie Curie

430 seats


Development of simulation-based life cycle inventory for battery-grade lithium carbonate produced from different sources

Aina Mas Fons, Rachel Horta Arduin, Philippe Loubet, Guido Sonnemann

Institute of Molecular Sciences, University of Bordeaux, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Bordeaux INP, ISM, UMR 5255, 33400 Talence, France

Technical, economic and environmental characterisation of industrial trends for the decarbonisation of the foundry and steelmaking industries: opportunities and limitations from a life cycle thinking perspective

Leire Gorroño-Albizu1, Borja Díez1, Dorleta Ibarra1, Joan Manuel F. Mendoza1,2

1Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Spain; 2IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Spain

Comparative analysis on four allocation approaches for steel products and its implication for a PEFCR development for intermediary steel products

Lisa Damen1,2, Mihaela Thuring1,2, Carolin Spirinckx1,2, Joren Mijnendonckx1,2

1VITO, Belgium; 2EnergyVille, Belgium

German ‘Green steel’ initiative

Gerhard Endemann1, Roland Geres2, Stefan Weigert2, Jan Bollen3

1WV Stahl; 2FutureCamp Climate Ltd; 3ArcelorMittal

Carbon footprint and energy transformation analysis of steel produced via a Direct reduction plant with an integrated electric melting unit

Julian Suer, Nils Jäger

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG, Germany

The zero emission steel mill of the future

Marian Flores Granobles, Eric Deconinck, Wim Van Der Stricht, Jan Bollen
