Conference Agenda

Valorization of LCA results in a LCM perspective (2)
Friday, 08/Sept/2023:
1:30pm - 3:00pm

Session Chair: Anse Smeets, VITO nv, Belgium
Location: Salle 3.2

330 seats


Lifecycle sustainability assessment - applications for the bio-based products

Ivana Dencic, Ana Morao, Cristine Kayser, Eleni Moutousidi

Corbion, The Netherlands

Use of LCA in Electrolux: strategy, opportunities, and challenges.

Stefano Zuin1, Andrea Corona1, Vsevolod Dengin2, Monica Celotto1

1Electrolux Italia, Italy; 2Electrolux AB, Sweden

The environmental impact assessment linked to the deployment of solutions : a way to foster the scale-up of solutions.

Nathalie MARTIN-SORVILLO1, Antoine SIMON1, Magdalena Czyrnek-Deletre2, Isabelle SPIEGEL1

1VINCI, France; 2I-Care by Bearing Point

A novel modelling approach to assess the role of product innovation and supply chain programmes to achieve Corporate Net Zero commitments

Clare Josephine Rodseth, P James Joyce, Giles Rigarlsford, Henry King

Unilever, United Kingdom

Bringing LCA results into the financial equation: How biodiversity footprinting enables financial players to make new strategic decisions that include nature.

Marina Dumont, Daniƫl Kan, Mark Goedkoop

PRe Sustainability, Netherlands, The