Conference Agenda

Evaluating the sustainable use of resources
Friday, 08/Sept/2023:
11:00am - 12:30pm

Session Chair: Stephanie Muller, BRGM, France
Session Chair: Frederic Goettmann, Extracthive, France
Location: Salle 3.2

330 seats


Abiotic resource metrics in Life Cycle Impact Assessment: A review from a cultural theory point of view and perspectives for the future within the transition to a low carbon economy

Alexandre Charpentier Poncelet1, Guido Sonnemann2, Anish Koyamparambath2, Naeem Adibi1

1WeLOOP, 59130 Lambersart, France; 2Institute of Molecular Sciences, University of Bordeaux, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Bordeaux INP, ISM, UMR 5255, 33400 Talence, France

From extraction to dissipation in life cycle impact assessment of mineral resource use – A review, case study, and outlook

Markus Berger

University of Twente, Netherlands, The

Closing material loops with life cycle resource indicators in waste management

Georgia Psyrri, Ana Teresa Macas Lima, Michael Zwicky Hauschild, Thomas Fruergaard Astrup

DTU, Denmark

Assessing and improving the resource efficiency of refractories recycling: a comprehensive analysis accounting for resource losses, environmental impacts and economic benefits

Stephanie Muller1, Frédéric Lai1, Antoine Beylot1, Ambroise Lachat1, Tom Huppertz2, Elisabeth Van Overbeke2, Quentin Ricoux3

1BRGM, France; 2RDC Environment, Belgium; 3Extracthive Ceramics Recycling, France

Characterizing Raw Material’s Criticality within LCSA According to Stakeholders’ Requirements

Isadora Hackenhaar1, Gustavo Moraga1, Gwenny Thomassen1, Jo Dewulf1, Till M. Bachmann2, Federica Blasioli2, Thomas Sonderegger3

1Research Group Sustainable Systems Engineering (STEN) - Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium; 2European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) EDF-KIT EEIG, Emmy-Noether-Strasse 11, 76131, Karlsruhe, Germany; 3ecoinvent, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland