Conference Agenda

LCM applied to food , agriculture & beverages (1)
Friday, 08/Sept/2023:
11:00am - 12:30pm

Session Chair: Sergiy Smetana, DIL German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL e.V.), Germany
Session Chair: Viktor Klochko, AB InBev, Czech Republic
Location: Salle 3.1

330 seats


Urbanisation of food production: Can indoor vertical farming reduce the footprint of kitchen herbs?

Silvan Wanner, Matthias Stucki, Michael Götz

Zurich University of applied sciences, Switzerland

Environmental impacts of agricultural robots and possible improvements: example of weeding robots used in vineyards

Marilys Pradel1, Cédric Seguineau2

1INRAE, UR TSCF, France; 2Naïo Technologies, France

Making the business case for a more resource-efficient food sector: case study on artificial intelligence in bakeries

Yanne Goossens, Thomas Schmidt

Thünen Institute of Market Analysis, Germany

SustainIT: sector-driven platform for alignment and scalability of sustainability metrics between suppliers and buyers

Marcela Porto Costa1, Felix Holdorf2, Claudia Sulowska3, Thomas L Oldfield4

1Olam Group, United Kingdom; 2Olam Group, Netherlands; 3Olam Group, Netherlands; 4Olam Group, United Kingdom

An environmental sustainability assessment of several packed food products: some key lessons

Lieselot Boone1, Trang T. Nhu1, An Vermeulen1,2, Jo Dewulf1

1Ghent University, Belgium; 2Pack4Food, Belgium