Conference Agenda

Informing & stimulating green lifestyle choices
Friday, 08/Sept/2023:
9:00am - 10:30am

Session Chair: Michiel De Bauw, Sciensano, Belgium
Location: Salle 3.1

330 seats


A detailed analysis of the carbon footprint linked to consumption in Canada and its provinces.

Maxime Agez, Laure Patouillard, Anne de Bortoli, Cécile Bulle

CIRAIG, Canada

The role of consumers´ practices in Life Cycle Management: combining Life Cycle Assessment with Practice Theory

Monia Niero1,2, Yannick Kofoed Drejer2, Lasse Langstrup Hägerstrand2, Félix Elkær Nicot2, Nina Helle Thulstrup2, Phuongdan Hoai Truong2, Charlotte Louise Jensen2

1Sant´Anna School of Advanced Studies Pisa (Italy); 2Aalborg University, Department of Planning, Copenhagen (Denmark)

Climate duel - The climate wins: A gamification approach to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at university level

Sabine Frei, Matthias Stucki

ZHAW IUNR Wädenswil, Switzerland

Digital Receipt Based Monitoring of Carbon and Biodiversity Footprints of Individual Food Baskets

Silvan Wanner1, Matthias Stucki1, Kevin O'Sullivan2

1Zurich University of applied sciences, Switzerland; 2Department of Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zürich

Informing and individual behavioural change in perspective

Erik Mathijs

KU Leuven, Belgium