Index of Authors

A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.

List by Initial Letter:
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R   S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z 
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Author(s) Contribution Title
Sacchi, Romain
Sadhukhan, Jhuma
Saget, Sophie
Saint-Jean, Maïder
Sala, Serenella
Saling, Peter
Salou, Thibault
Sansa, Manel
Santiago-Herrera, Mario
Sanye Mengual, Esther
Sanyé-Mengual, Esther
Saou, Djamila
Saputra, Era Tjahya
Sarmah, Ajit K
Scagnetti, Carla
Scarlat, Nicolae
Schebek, Liselotte
Schenk, Karolin
Schilling, Levin
Schimpf, Sven
Schmid, Carlo
Schmidt, Thomas
Schöggl, Josef-Peter
Schomäcker, Reinhard
Schouten, Paul
Schropp, Elke
Schuler, Michele
Schulte, Anna
Schulz, Sebastian
Schulze Balhorn, Lukas
Schwab, Oliver
Schwarz, Anna
Schweidtmann, Artur M.
Sebastian, Marina
Secher, Andreas Qvist
Seguineau, Cédric
Seitfudem, Georg
Sekar, Ananda
Serre, Charlotte
Sibuea, Raymond
SIE, Marion
Siedlecki, Bianca
Sigaard, Anna Schytte
Sim, Sarah
Simatos, Florian
SIMON, Antoine
Sizaret, Hubert
Smetana, Sergiy
Smets, Jakob
Sonderegger, Thomas
Sonneman, Guido
Sonnemann, Guido
Sonnemann, Guido
Sonnen, Max
SOUFFRAN, Gwenaëlle
Spengler, Thomas S.
SPIEGEL, Isabelle
Spiekermann, Julia
Spirinckx, Carolin
Springer, Sally Kirsten
Stegmann, Paul
Steidle, Rebecca
Stellner, Laura
Stensgård, Aina Elstad
Steubing, Bernhard
Stranddorf, Liv Kristensen
Stranddorf, Liv Kristensen
Strothmann, Philip
Stucki, Matthias
Stucki, Matthias
Stüssi, Martin
Styles, David
Suer, Julian
Sulowska, Claudia
Suski, Paul
Szablewski, Carolina