Conference Agenda
Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view.
Session Overview |
Date: Tuesday, 08/Apr/2025 | |||
9:00am - 9:40am |
REGISTRATION: General Assembly (For IIPC members only) |
9:40am - 9:50am |
Opening Remarks Location: Målstova (upstairs) |
9:50am - 10:00am |
Chair Address Location: Målstova (upstairs) |
10:00am - 10:45am |
IIPC Strategic Plan 2026-2031 Location: Målstova (upstairs) |
10:45am - 11:15am |
11:15am - 12:45pm |
Content Development Working Group Meeting Location: Slottsbiblioteket (ground floor) |
Framework for Tools Sustainability Location: Salongen (upstairs) |
TBC Location: VIP - rommet (upstairs) |
12:45pm - 2:00pm |
2:00pm - 3:30pm |
Training Working Group Meeting Location: Slottsbiblioteket (ground floor) |
Research Working Group Meeting Location: Salongen (upstairs) Featuring a presentation on the National Library of Norway's Webdata project. |
TBC Location: VIP - rommet (upstairs) |
3:30pm - 4:00pm |
4:00pm - 5:30pm |
TWG WORKSHOP: Case Studies ‘Write-a-thon’ - Documenting Best Practices Location: Slottsbiblioteket (ground floor) Case Studies ‘Write-a-thon’ - Documenting Best Practices 1: The National Archives (UK), United Kingdom; 2: Library of Congress, United States of America; 3: Internet Archive, United States of America |
Crawling National Domain: Towards Best Practices Location: Salongen (upstairs) |
TBC Location: VIP - rommet (upstairs) |
7:00pm - 9:00pm |
WELCOME RECEPTION Location: Folkestova (upstairs) |
Date: Wednesday, 09/Apr/2025 | |||
9:00am - 9:40am |
REGISTRATION: Web Archiving Conference (WAC) |
9:40am - 9:50am |
Opening Remarks Location: Målstova (upstairs) Streamed to Store Auditorium. |
9:50am - 10:45am |
Opening Keynote Location: Målstova (upstairs) Streamed to Store Auditorium. |
10:45am - 10:55am |
SHORT BREAK Streaming video from Målstova to Store Auditorium ends. Lightning Talk Session 2 will begin in the Store Auditorium after the break. |
10:55am - 11:00am |
LIGHTNING TALK SESSION 1: INTRODUCTION Location: Målstova (upstairs) |
LIGHTNING TALK SESSION 2: INTRODUCTION Location: Store Auditorium (ground floor) |
11:00am - 11:25am |
LIGHTNING TALK SESSION 1 Location: Målstova (upstairs) Strategies and Challenges in the Preservation of Mexico’s Web Heritage: First Steps National Library of Mexico, Mexico 11:05am - 11:10am Challenges and Strategies in Implementing Web Archiving Legislation in Brazil 1: University of Porto, Portugal; 2: University of Coimbra, Portugal 11:10am - 11:15am Toolkit for Web Archiving, Portugal 11:15am - 11:20am Tracking the Political Representations of Life: Methodological Challenges of Exploring the BnF Web Archives 1: Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po (CEVIPOF, CNRS), France; 2: Bibliothèque nationale de France, France 11:20am - 11:25am Collaborative Curatorial Approaches of the Czech Web Archive Using the Example of Thematic Literary Collections National Library of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic |
LIGHTNING TALK SESSION 2 Location: Store Auditorium (ground floor) Modelling Archived Web Objects as Semantic Entities to Manage Contextual and Versioning Issues 1: The National Archives (UK), United Kingdom; 2: King's College London, United Kingdom 11:05am - 11:10am Modernizing Web Archives: The Bumpy Road Towards a General ARC2WARC Conversion Tool Common Crawl Foundation, United States of America 11:10am - 11:15am Poking Around in Podcast Preservation Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Netherlands 11:15am - 11:20am Automatic Clustering of Domains by Industry for Effective Curation Royal Danish Library, Denmark 11:20am - 11:25am Best Practice of Preserving Posts from Social Media Feeds Arkiwera wcrify AB, Sweden |
11:25am - 11:55am |
11:55am - 1:00pm |
PANEL #01: Engaging Audiences Location: Målstova (upstairs) Chair: Eveline Vlassenroot, UGent Beyond Preservation: Engaging Audiences and Researchers with Web Archives 1: University of Ghent, Belgium; 2: Royal Library of Belgium (KBR), Belgium |
SESSION #01: Tools: Under Construction: Lessons Learned (National Library Perspective) Location: Store Auditorium (ground floor) Chair: Katherine Boss, National Library of Norway Embedding the Web Archive in an Overall Preservation System Swiss National Library, Switzerland 12:15pm - 12:35pm UKWA Rebuild British Library, United Kingdom 12:35pm - 12:55pm Under Construction: Web Archive of the German National Library German National Library, Germany |
WORKSHOP #01: Exploring Dilemmas in the Archiving of Legacy Webportals: An Exercise in Reflective Questioning Location: Slottsbiblioteket (ground floor) Exploring Dilemmas in the Archiving of Legacy Webportals: An Exercise in Reflective Questioning National Library of the Netherlands, Netherlands |
1:00pm - 2:00pm |
2:05pm - 3:40pm |
SESSION #02: Crawling Tools Location: Målstova (upstairs) Chair: Katherine Boss, National Library of Norway Lessons Learned Building a Crawler From Scratch: The Development and Implementation of Veidemann National Library of Norway, Norway 2:25pm - 2:45pm Experiences of Using in-House Developed Collecting Tool ELK National Library of Finland, Finland 2:45pm - 3:05pm Better Together: Building a Scalable Multi-Crawler Web Harvesting Toolkit Internet Archive, United States of America 3:05pm - 3:25pm Lowering Barriers to Use, Crawling, and Curation: Recent Browsertrix Developments Webrecorder, United States of America |
SESSION #03: Advocacy & User Engagement Location: Store Auditorium (ground floor) Insufficiency of Human-Centric Ethical Guidelines in the Age of AI: Considering Implications of Making Legacy Web Content Openly Accessible Computer History Museum Slovenia (Računališki muzej), Slovenia 2:25pm - 2:45pm Web Archives for Music Research Royal Danish Library, Denmark 2:45pm - 3:05pm IXP History Collection: Recording the Early Development of the Core of the Public Internet 1: Independent Researcher, Ireland; 2: University of Barcelona, Spain 3:05pm - 3:25pm Lost, but Preserved - A Web Archiving Perspective on the Ephemeral Web Internet Archive, United States of America |
WORKSHOP #02: Web Archive Collections As Data Location: Slottsbiblioteket (ground floor) Web Archive Collections as Data 1: University of Alicante, Spain; 2: Library of Congress, United States of America; 3: IIPC, United States of America; 4: National Library of Norway, Norway Datasheets for Web Archives Toolkit 1: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States of America; 2: British Library, United Kingdom |
3:40pm - 4:10pm |
4:10pm - 4:40pm |
POSTER SLAM Location: Målstova (upstairs) Streamed to Store Auditorium.
‘We Are Now Entering the Pre-election Period’: Experimental Twitter Capture at The National Archives The National Archives (UK), United Kingdom The BnF DataLab Services and Tools for Researchers Working on Web Archives Bibliothèque nationale de France, France Experiences Switching an Archiving Web Crawler to Support HTTP/2 Common Crawl Foundation, United States of America Web Scraping in the Hungarian Web Archive National Széchényi Library, Hungary Api/Bulk Access and Its Usage, Portugal Politely Downloading Millions of WARC Files Without Burning the Servers Down Common Crawl Foundation, United States of America Next Steps Towards A Formal Registry Of Web Archives For Persistent And Sustainable Identification Royal Danish Library, Denmark Using Web Archives to Construct the History of an Academic Field University of Bergen, Norway Annual Awards: A Glimpse, Portugal Asynchronous and Modular Pipelines for Fast WARC Annotation Common Crawl Foundation, United States of America Consortium on Electronic Literature (CELL) University of Bergen, Norway Designing Art Student Web Archives The New School, United States of America Failed Capture or Playback Woes? A Case Study in Highly Interactive Web Based Experiences Independent Researcher, United States of America From New Media Archives on Social Media Platforms to Web Archives - Challenges in Preserving Scraped Cultural Materials OsloMet, Norway HAWathon: Participants Experience National and University Library in Zagreb, Croatia Implementing the e-ARK Standard for Ingest of Social Media Archives: Goals, Opportunities and Challenges meemoo, Flemish Institute for Archives, Belgium Planning Web Archiving Within a Four-Year Scope: Making the New Collection Plan for the Years 2025-2028 in the National Library of Finland National Library of Finland, Finland Redirects Unraveled: From Lost Links to Rickrolls 1: Old Dominion University, United States of America; 2: Internet Archive, United States of America; 3: Filecoin Foundation, Netherlands Robots.txt and Crawler Politeness in the Age of Generative AI Common Crawl Foundation, United States of America Solving the Problem of Reference Rot Via Web Archiving: An OA Publisher’s Solution & Future Solutions in Thoth Loughborough University, United Kingdom Use of Screenshots as a Harvesting Tool for Dynamic Content and Use of AI for Later Data Analysis Computer History Museum Slovenia (Računališki muzej), Slovenia Advancing Participatory Democracy through Web Archiving: The KRIA Icelandic Constitution Archive KRIA Icelandic Constitution Archive, United States of America |
4:40pm - 6:00pm |
POSTER SESSION Location: Folkestova (upstairs) |
7:30pm - 9:30pm |
DINNER Location: Målstova (upstairs) |
Date: Thursday, 10/Apr/2025 | |||
9:00am - 9:20am |
9:20am - 9:25am |
LIGHTNING TALK SESSION 3: INTRODUCTION Location: Målstova (upstairs) |
LIGHTNING TALK SESSION 4: INTRODUCTION Location: Store Auditorium (ground floor) |
9:25am - 9:55am |
LIGHTNING TALK SESSION 3 Location: Målstova (upstairs) The Practice of Web Archiving Statistics and Quality Evaluation Based on the Localization of ISO/TR 14873:2013(E): A Case Study of the NSL-WebArchive Platform 1: National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; 2: Zhejiang Economic & Information Center, China; 3: Zhejiang Economic & Information Development Co., Ltd, China 9:30am - 9:35am Modifying ePADD for Entity Extraction in Non-English Languages National Library of Norway, Norway 9:35am - 9:40am Query Logs, Portugal 9:40am - 9:45am What You See No One Saw 1: Drexel University, United States of America; 2: Old Dominion University, United States of America |
LIGHTNING TALK SESSION 4 Location: Store Auditorium (ground floor) Collaborative Collections at Four Years of Recordings from the City of Sines (Portugal), Portugal 9:30am - 9:35am Participatory Web Archiving: The Tensions Between the Instrumental Benefits and Democratic Value 1: University of Sheffield, United Kingdom; 2: Institute for Web Science and Technologies (WeST), Germany; 3: Bodleian Libraries, United Kingdom 9:35am - 9:40am A Minimal Computing Approach for Web Archive Research 1: University of Victoria, Canada; 2: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico 9:40am - 9:45am Where Fashion Meets Science: Collecting and Curating a Creative Web Archive University of the Arts London, United Kingdom |
9:55am - 10:05am |
10:05am - 11:15am |
SESSION #04: Discovery & Access (News/Newspapers) Location: Målstova (upstairs) Chair: Tita Enstad, National Library of Norway Unlocking the Archive: Open Access to News Content as Corpora National Library of Norway, Norway 10:25am - 10:45am Recently Orphaned Newspapers: From Archived Webpages to Reusable Datasets and Research Outlooks 1: Academia Sinica, Taiwan; 2: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan 10:45am - 11:05am NewsWARC: Analyzing News Over Time in the Web Archive 1: Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt; 2: Alamein International University, Egypt 11:05am - 11:10am Zombie E-Journals and the National Library of Spain Biblioteca Nacional de España, Spain |
SESSION #05: Sustainability Location: Store Auditorium (ground floor) 42 Tips to Diminish the CO2 Impact of Websites 1: National Archives of the Netherlands, Netherlands; 2: Dutch Digital Heritage Network, Netherlands; 3: Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Netherlands; 4: Van Heijst Information Consulting, Netherlands 10:25am - 10:45am Building Towards Environmentally Sustainable Web Archiving: The UK Government Web Archive and Beyond 1: University of London, United Kingdom; 2: The National Archives (UK), United Kingdom 10:45am - 11:05am Preservation of Historical Data: Using Warchaeology to Process 20 Years of Harvesting National Library of Norway, Norway 11:05am - 11:10am Analysing the Publications Office of the European Union Web Archive for the Rationalisation of Digital Content Generation Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg |
WORKSHOP #03: Introduction to Web Graphs Location: Slottsbiblioteket (ground floor) Introduction to Web Graphs Common Crawl Foundation, United States of America |
11:15am - 11:45am |
11:45am - 1:15pm |
PANEL #02: Cross-institutional collaborations Location: Målstova (upstairs) Chair: Abbie Grotke, Library of Congress Past, Present & Future of Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Web Archiving: Insights from the Norwegian and Danish Web Archive, the NetArchiveSuite Community, & Beyond 1: Royal Danish Library, Denmark; 2: National Library of Norway, Norway; 3: Bibliothèque nationale de France, France; 4: Biblioteca Nacional de España, Spain; 5: Analysis & Numbers, Denmark; 6: Library of Congress, United States of America |
SESSION #06: Curation: Social Media Location: Store Auditorium (ground floor) Chair: Tom Smyth, Library and Archives Canada Developing Social Media Archiving Guidelines at the National Archives of the Netherlands National Archives of the Netherlands, Netherlands 12:05pm - 12:25pm Archiving the Social Media Profiles of Members of Government National Library of Luxembourg, Luxembourg 12:25pm - 12:45pm From Posts to Archives: The National Library of Singapore’s Journey in Collecting Social Media National Library Board Singapore, Singapore 12:45pm - 1:05pm Innovative Web Archiving Amid Crisis: Leveraging Browsertrix and Hybrid Working Models to Capture the UK General Election 2024 British Library, United Kingdom |
WORKSHOP #04: How to Develop a New Browsertrix Behavior Location: Slottsbiblioteket (ground floor) How to Develop a New Browsertrix Behavior Webrecorder, United States of America |
1:15pm - 2:15pm |
2:15pm - 3:40pm |
SESSION #07: Research & Access Location: Målstova (upstairs) Chair: Marie Roald, The National Library of Norway From Pages to People: Tailoring Web Archives for Different Use Cases 1: Cambridge University Libraries, United Kingdom; 2: University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom 2:35pm - 2:55pm Making Research Data Published to the Web FAIR University of Sheffield, United Kingdom 2:55pm - 3:15pm Enhancing Accessibility to Belgian Born-Digital Heritage: The BelgicaWeb Project Royal Library of Belgium (KBR), Belgium 3:15pm - 3:35pm Using Generative AI to Interrogate the UK Government Web Archive The National Archives (UK), United Kingdom |
SESSION #08: Handling What You Captured Location: Store Auditorium (ground floor) So You’ve Got a WACZ: How Archives Become Verifiable Evidence Starling Lab for Data Integrity, Stanford-USC, United States of America 2:35pm - 2:55pm Warc-Safe: An Open-Source WARC Virus Checker and NSFW (Not-Safe-For-Work) Content Detection Tool National Library of Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2:55pm - 3:15pm Detecting and Diagnosing Errors in Replaying Archived Web Pages 1: University of Michigan, United States of America; 2: University of Southern California, United States of America 3:15pm - 3:35pm Building a Toolchain for Screen Recording-Based Web Archiving of SVOD Platforms Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA), France |
PANEL #03: Cross-institutional collaboration: the End of Term Archive Location: Slottsbiblioteket (ground floor) Coordinating, Capturing, and Curating the 2024 United States End of Term Web Archive 1: University of North Texas, United States of America; 2: Internet Archive, United States of America; 3: Stanford University, United States of America; 4: Library of Congress, United States of America |
3:40pm - 4:10pm |
4:10pm - 5:05pm |
Closing Keynote: Quantifying Complexity: Using Web Data to Decode Online Public Debate Location: Målstova (upstairs) Streamed to Store Auditorium. |
5:05pm - 5:30pm |
Closing Remarks: Closing Remarks Location: Målstova (upstairs) Streamed to Store Auditorium. |
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Conference Software: ConfTool Pro 2.6.152 © 2001–2025 by Dr. H. Weinreich, Hamburg, Germany |