Conference Agenda

Plenary Lecture by Constanze Veeh "The EU Critical Raw Materials Act - the vital role of research and knowledge in policy making"
Tuesday, 05/Sept/2023:
8:30am - 9:20am

Session Chair: Christoph Hilgers, Karlsruhe Institut Für Technologie - Kit
Location: Audimax



In March 2023, the EU Commission proposed a Critical Raw Materials Act. The Act puts a legislative framework in place that addresses security of raw materials supply and provides stability for actors in this field. Its foundation is extensive intelligence gathering and research, allowing for the development of sound a mid- to long-term strategy. This talk will highlight both the provisions of the act as well as the knowledge that underpins them.

Constanze Veeh

Policy Analyst

European Commission

Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Unit I1 - Energy-intensive Industries, Raw Materials, Hydrogen

Topics: Plenary Talk

The EU Critical Raw Materials Act - the vital role of research and knowledge in policy making

Constanze Veeh

European Commission, Belgium

In March 2023, the EU Commission proposed a Critical Raw Materials Act. The Act puts a legislative framework in place that addresses security of raw materials supply and provides stability for actors in this field. Its foundation is extensive intelligence gathering and research, allowing for the development of sound a mid- to long-term strategy. This talk will highlight both the provisions of the act as well as the knowledge that underpins them.