Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Thursday, 07/Sept/2023
  Ausstellung Geoparke
Location: Wiwi 102
Exhibition "Life conquers a planet: Example Earth" | Gesteins-Ausstellung: Leben übernimmt die planetare Steuerung: Beispiel Erde
Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building)
Plenary Lecture by Lesley Wyborn "OneGeoscience: Providing FAIR global access to all geoscience data - are we there yet?"
Location: Audimax
Awards: Hermann-Credner-Preis: Stefanie Tofelde, Uni. Potsdam | Hans-Cloos-Preis: Michaela Falkenroth, TU Darmstadt | 2x Rendel-Awards DFG: Felix Augustin, Tübingen & Jonas Preine, Hamburg
Location: Audimax
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building)
3.05-1 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science
Location: Hall A (HFB)
3.02-1 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how?
Location: Hall B (HFB)
1.15-1 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing
Location: Hall C (HFB)
1.13-1 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies
Location: Hall D (HFB)
1.06-1 Deep geothermal resources and projects
Location: Wiwi 101
2.01-1 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach
Location: Wiwi 104
3.12-3 Past climates and environments inform our future
Location: Wiwi 104a
3.23-1 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray
Location: Wiwi 105
CANCELED: 1.31 Bergbau in Deutschland
Location: Wiwi 108
Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building)
Plenary Discussion: Mehr Erdsystemwissen in die Schule
Location: Audimax
Der Globale Klimawandel und die Ausrottung vieler Tierarten zeigen uns heute ganz deutlich wie der Mensch das System Erde beeinflusst. Die Gesellschaft wünscht sich einen Übergang zu umweltfreundlichen und klimaneutralen Technologien und die Jugend setzt sich engagiert dafür ein. Doch gleichzeitig werden geowissenschaftliche Themen im Lehrplan marginalisiert und vielerorts wird Erdkunde mit anderen Schulfächern, wie z.B. Geschichte, zusammengelegt.
Lunch Break | Exhibition
Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building)
3.05-2 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science
Location: Hall A (HFB)
3.02-2 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how?
Location: Hall B (HFB)
1.15-2 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing
Location: Hall C (HFB)
1.13-2 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies
Location: Hall D (HFB)
1.06-2 Deep geothermal resources and projects
Location: Wiwi 101
2.01-2 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach
Location: Wiwi 104
4.11 Geo-scientific methods in Archaeology, Archaeometry and Experimental Archaeology
Location: Wiwi 104a
3.23-2 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray
Location: Wiwi 105
4.12 Geoethics – fostering ethical perspectives in the Geosciences
Location: Wiwi 108
Location: Wiwi 103
Stadtexkursion "Weltkulturerbe Museumsinsel" | 14:00 - 16:00 h
Start: 14:00 Uhr Museumsinsel // Granitschale vor dem Alten Museum (Nähe U Museumsinsel, Bus Lustgarten)
Anreise organisiert jeder selbst!
Ende: 16:00 Uhr
Exursionsleiterin: Gerda Schirrmeister
Closing Ceremony
Location: Audimax

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