Dortmund Conference on Spatial and Planning Research - DOKORP 2025
10-12 February 2025 | Dortmund, Germany
Conference Agenda
Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).
Session Overview |
Date: Tuesday, 11/Feb/2025 | ||||||
8:30am - 9:45am |
Anmeldung: registration & Coffee Location: RCP |
10:00am - 10:15am |
Begrüßung: Begrüßung Location: HG1/HS6 Welcome by Wiebke Möhring, vice president of TU Dortmund, Dr. Thomas Hartman and Dr. Renée Tribble with
subsequent speech by Antje Bruns (ARL) and Stefan Kuczera, Regionalverband Ruhr |
10:15am - 11:00am |
Eröffnungs-Keynote Location: HG1/HS6 presented by Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn, chaires by Ralf Zimmer-Hegmann (ILS) |
11:00am - 11:30am |
P1: Coffee break Location: RCP |
11:30am - 1:00pm |
R.1: Wie sichern wir Daseinsvorsorge auch im Krisenfall? Location: Senatssitzungssaal Chair: Stefan Greiving |
R.8: Ernährung und Planung: Grund zum Planen in multiplen Krisen Location: III/516 Chair: Jost Buscher Chair: Julija Bakunowitsch |
S10.01: Conditions for open-ended design Location: III/310 Chair: Stefano Cozzolino Chair: Fabio Bayro Kaiser |
S12.01: Mobility, Livelihoods, and Inequality Location: I/410 Chair: Sophie Schramm Chair: Nthoki Dorcas Nyamai |
S14.01: Aktiv werden: Klimaanpassung in urbanen Räumen. Kommunale Fallstudien Location: HG1/HS3 Chair: Stefan Greiving Chair: Barbara Warner |
S2.01: Planung und Konflikt Location: III/103 Chair: Thorsten Wiechmann |
S3.01: New instruments for planning the future Location: III/517 Chair: Markus Eltges Chair: Axel Priebs Chair: Rainer Danielzyk |
S5.01: Zukunft der Innenstadt Location: HG1/HS1 Chair: Marion Klemme |
S5.07: Stadterneuerung und Stadterweiterung Location: HG1/HS6 Chair: Stefan Siedentop |
S6.01: Quartiersentwicklung gestalten Location: III/214 Chair: Susanne Frank Chair: Sabine Weck |
S9.01: Sharing mobilities Location: HG1/HS4 Chair: Isabelle Wachter |
S9.07: Transportplanning for city and region II Location: HG1/HS5 Chair: Julia Hansel |
1:00pm - 2:30pm |
P2: Lunch break Location: RCP Group 1 (HG1 und GB1) : 1pm
Grpu 2 (HG 3) : 1:30pm |
2:30pm - 4:00pm |
R.2: Basler Thesen - Hochschulen als Ressourcen für eine transformative Planungskultur Location: Senatssitzungssaal Chair: Mario Tvrtkovic Chair: Barbara Engel |
S10.02: Tools for flexibility and resilience Location: III/310 Chair: Stefano Cozzolino Chair: Fabio Bayro Kaiser |
S12.02: Mapping, Infrastructure, and Livelihoods Location: I/410 Chair: Sophie Schramm Chair: Nthoki Dorcas Nyamai |
S14.02: International perspective of climate change II Location: HG1/HS3 Chair: Stefan Greiving Chair: Barbara Warner |
S2.02: Akteur*innen in der Planung Location: III/103 Chair: Martin Sondermann |
S3.02: Räumliche Planung zwischen Kontinuität und Zeitwende Location: III/517 Chair: Markus Eltges Chair: Axel Priebs Chair: Rainer Danielzyk |
S5.02: Wohnen, Innenentwicklung und Mobilitätswende Location: HG1/HS1 Chair: Stefan Siedentop |
S5.08: Gesundheit, Klimafolgenanpassung und Grüne Infrastruktur Location: III/516 Chair: Marion Klemme Chair: Stephanie Haury |
S6.02: Quartiersentwicklung hinterfragen Location: III/214 Chair: Susanne Frank Chair: Sabine Weck |
S9.02: Zurück auf die Schiene!? Reaktivierung von Schienenstrecken zwischen Potentialen und Hindernissen Location: HG1/HS4 Chair: Axel Priebs |
S9.08: Travel behaviour measurement and quantitative analysis Location: HG1/HS5 Chair: Thomas Klinger |
4:00pm - 4:30pm |
P3: Coffee break Location: RCP |
4:30pm - 6:00pm |
R.3: Die Zukunft der Raumplanung Location: Senatssitzungssaal Chair: Thorsten Wiechmann |
S1.03: Stand und perspektiven sozialwissenschaftlicher Planungsforschung Location: III/103 Chair: Karsten Zimmermann Chair: Susanne Frank |
S10.03: Inspiring historical and contextual insights Location: III/310 Chair: Stefano Cozzolino Chair: Fabio Bayro Kaiser |
S11.01: Planning before planning Location: I/410 Chair: Renée Tribble Chair: Gabu Heindl |
S14.03: Vergleichende Fallstudien zur kommunalen Klimaanpassung Location: HG1/HS3 Chair: Stefan Greiving Chair: Barbara Warner |
S4.01: Flächensparen und Wohnungsnot Location: III/214 Chair: Thomas Hartmann Chair: Michael Kolocek Chair: Fabian Wenner |
S5.03: Nachhaltige Gewerbe- Flächenentwicklung Location: HG1/HS1 Chair: Stefan Siedentop |
S5.09: Urbane Resilienz und Innovation Location: III/516 Chair: Stephan Willinger |
S7.01: Digital tools for participation Location: III/517 Chair: René Westerholt Chair: Tessio Novack |
S9.03: Teilhabe, Gerechtigkeit, Erreichbarkeit als Themen der Mobilitätsforschung I Location: HG1/HS4 Chair: Christian Holz-Rau |
S9.09: Public transprot and multimodality Location: HG1/HS5 Chair: Alexandra Schürcks |
6:30pm - 7:30pm |
Dialog: professorships in dialogue Location: Dortmunder U Leonie-Reygers-Terrasse · 44137 Dortmund |
7:30pm - 11:00pm |
Abendessen: Abendessen Location: Dortmunder U Leonie-Reygers-Terrasse · 44137 Dortmund |
Date: Wednesday, 12/Feb/2025 | ||||||
8:30am - 9:15am |
Keynote: How does the transition to sustainability challenge land policy? Location: Senatssitzungssaal presented by Prof. Dr. Heidi Falkenbach, chaired by Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann |
9:30am - 11:00am |
Ersatzraum 1: just for this timeslot Location: III/310 |
R.4: Wi(e)der die Krisen. Planung von und für sozial-ökologische Transformation Location: Senatssitzungssaal Chair: Tanja Mölders |
S11.02: Boden und Bebauungspläne Location: III/516 Chair: Renée Tribble Chair: Gabu Heindl |
S12.03: Spatial Justice and Inequality Location: I/410 Chair: Sophie Schramm Chair: Nthoki Dorcas Nyamai |
S14.04: International perspective of climate change Location: HG1/HS3 Chair: Stefan Greiving Chair: Barbara Warner |
S2.03: Leitideen der Planung Location: III/103 Chair: Thorsten Wiechmann Chair: Martin Sondermann |
S4.02: Land Policies in Europe Location: III/214 Chair: Thomas Hartmann Chair: Michael Kolocek Chair: Fabian Wenner |
S5.04: Städtische Wohnungs-, Infrastruktur- und Sozialraumpolitik Location: HG1/HS1 Chair: Marion Klemme |
S7.02: AI in planning Location: III/517 Chair: René Westerholt Chair: Tessio Novack |
S8.01: Information and evaluation system Location: HG1/HS5 Chair: Dietwald Gruehn Chair: Mathias Kaiser |
S9.04: Teilhabe, Gerechtigkeit, Erreichbarkeit als Themen der Mobilitätsforschung II Location: HG1/HS4 Chair: Joachim Scheiner |
11:00am - 11:30am |
P4: Coffee break Location: RCP |
11:30am - 1:00pm |
Ersatzraum 2: just for this timeslot Location: III/310 |
R.5: Politisierung, Polarisierung, Populismus - Gefahren für die demokratische Raumplanung Location: Senatssitzungssaal Chair: Christian Lamker |
S1.01: Contemporary Contexts and Concepts in International Planning Studies Location: I/410 Chair: Karsten Zimmermann Chair: Frank Othengrafen Chair: Maciej J. Nowak |
S11.03: Spatial justice in transformation Location: III/516 Chair: Gabu Heindl Chair: Renée Tribble |
S14.05: Wann wird´s kritisch? Resilienz und KRITIS Location: HG1/HS3 Chair: Stefan Greiving Chair: Barbara Warner |
S2.04: Rolle von Werten in planungsbezogenen Konflikten Location: III/103 Chair: Frank Othengrafen |
S4.03: Akteure der Bodenpolitik Location: III/214 Chair: Thomas Hartmann Chair: Michael Kolocek Chair: Fabian Wenner |
S5.05: Contested Spaces in Urban Development Location: HG1/HS1 Chair: Giulio Mattioli |
S7.03: Data perspectives on planning Location: III/517 Chair: René Westerholt Chair: Tessio Novack |
S8.02: Planning strategy Location: HG1/HS5 Chair: Dietwald Gruehn Chair: Mathias Kaiser |
S9.05: Siedlungsstruktur und Städtebau als Determinanten des Verkehrsverhaltens Location: HG1/HS4 Chair: Frank Osterhage |
1:00pm - 2:30pm |
P5: Lunch break Location: Mensa Group 1 (HG1 und GB1) : 1pm
Group 2 (GB 3) : 1:30pm |
2:30pm - 4:00pm |
R.6: Planen in Zeiten des Fachkräftemangels - Folgen für die Umsetzung gesellschaftlicher Transformationsaufgaben Location: Senatssitzungssaal |
S1.02: Current approaches in international comparative urban systems research Location: I/410 Chair: Christin Müller Chair: Sabine Bongers-Römer |
S11.04: Voids of transformation Location: III/516 Chair: Gabu Heindl Chair: Renée Tribble |
S13.01: Erfolgsfaktoren und Energiebedarfe Location: III/310 Chair: Martin Schulwitz Chair: Thomas Weith |
S14.06: Urbane Infrastrukturen im Klimawandel Location: HG1/HS3 Chair: Stefan Greiving Chair: Barbara Warner |
S2.05: Abwägung in der kommunalen Planungspraxis Location: III/103 Chair: Frank Othengrafen |
S4.04: Instrumente der Bodenpolitik Location: III/214 Chair: Thomas Hartmann Chair: Michael Kolocek Chair: Fabian Wenner |
S5.06: MOVED TO S5.05 Location: HG1/HS1 Chair: Stefan Siedentop |
S7.04: Data-driven climate adaptation Location: III/517 Chair: René Westerholt Chair: Tessio Novack |
S8.03: Advanced planning application Location: HG1/HS5 Chair: Dietwald Gruehn Chair: Mathias Kaiser |
S9.06: Verkehrsplanung für Stadt und Region I Location: HG1/HS4 Chair: Matthias Cremer-Schulte |
4:00pm - 4:30pm |
P6: Coffee break Location: RCP |
4:30pm - 5:15pm |
Closing Keynote: Who should decide, how, and why? Planning, law, property rights, and housing under shifting states of federalism Location: RCP presented by Prof. Dr. Richard Norton, chaired by Prof. Dr. Reneé Tribble |
5:15pm | Abschied: Farewell Location: RCP Farewell by Prof. Dr. Thomas Hartmann and Prof. Dr. Renée Tribble |
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