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Keynote Herman Wasserman: Visions of a good life from the Global South: towards an ethics of listening
Donnerstag, 14.03.2024:
9:30 - 10:30

Ort: C21-KIZ | HS 1

Personen: 436

Zusammenfassung der Sitzung

How can global media contribute to the good life? And how do we agree on what the »good life« means from our vastly different backgrounds and experiences? How do we live ethically in a world saturated by globalised media yet marked by conflict and inequality? This lecture will consider these questions within the framework of a global media ethics of listening.

Herman Wasserman is Professor and Chair of the Department of Journalism at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, and a former newspaper journalist. His books include Tabloid Journalism in South Africa, Media, Geopolitics, and Power Media, Conflict and Democracy in Africa, and Disinformation in the Global South (with Dani Madrid-Morales). He is a Fellow of the International Communication Association and an elected member of the Academy of Science of South Africa. He has consulted for UNESCO, Deutsche Welle Akademie, Digital Public Square, Africa Check, the Center for International Media Assistance and serves on the scientific committee of Reporters without Borders.

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