Conference Agenda

The Online Program of events for the 2023 AMS & SMT Joint Annual Meeting appears below. This program is subject to change. The final program will be published in early November.

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Use the search bar to search by name or title of paper/session. Note that this search bar does not search by keyword.

Click on the session name for a detailed view (with participant names and abstracts).

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Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, 08/Nov/2023
France: Musiques, Cultures, 1789-1918
Location: Director's Row H
SMT Executive Board Meeting
Location: Plaza Court 5
AMS Board of Directors' Dinner

Closed meeting.

Date: Thursday, 09/Nov/2023
SMT Executive Board Meeting
Location: Plaza Court 5
AMS Board of Directors' Meeting
Location: Plaza Court 4

Closed meeting.

Peer Learning Program: Music and Sound in Political Movements
Location: Plaza Court 1

Noriko Manabe, leader

Peer Learning Program: Music Theory Fundamentals Today: Core Skills, Concepts, and Repertories
Location: Plaza Court 2

Ian Quinn, leader

France: Musiques, Cultures, 1789-1918
Location: Director's Row H
Eileen Southern Scholars Cohort Meet-up
Location: Governor's Sq. 10
AMS Career Development Grants in American Music: Orientation
Location: Director's Row E
Joint New Attendee Reception
Location: Plaza Ballroom A
AMS Buddy Meet-up
Location: Plaza Court 6
SMT Conference Guides Common Meeting
Location: Plaza Court 3
Exhibit Hall Open
Location: Plaza Exhibit

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for a complimentary service of coffee and other beverages with light snacks. First come, first served.

19th-Century Technology on the Opera Stage
Location: Grand Ballroom II
Biographical Reinventions: Grainger, Beach, and Ellington
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Change and Conflict in Chant
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Chinese Music in Theory and Practice
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Gender and Voice on Record
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Lisette: A Song's Journey From Haiti & Back
Jean Bernard Cerin1, Nicholas Matthew2
1: Cornell University; 2: University of California, Berkeley
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Musical Closure
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Musical Responses to Trauma
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Style and Interpretation in American Music
Location: Windows
Taking on Administrative Roles in Academia: Preparation, Challenges, Rewards
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Video Game Music
Location: Silver
Visibility, Coalition, and Hearing Otherwise: Music Theory and Asian/American Identities
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Women, Musical Communities, and Social Change
Location: Vail
Perspectives on Rhythm and Meter
Location: Denver
Text and Music
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
Coffee Break
Location: Plaza Exhibit

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for a complimentary service of coffee and other beverages with light snacks. First come, first served.

“Doing Musicology” with Primary Sources
Location: Grand Ballroom II
19th-Century Biography
Location: Windows
19th-Century Orchestration, Genre, and Form
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
British Imaginings of the Other
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Composing Jewish Modernity
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Does Russian music have a woman problem? (Re)locating the feminine in song, opera and music history
Marina Frolova-Walker
University of Cambridge,
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
HBCUs and Music Theory
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Music and Disability
Location: Silver
Music, Media, and Place: AMS Music and Media Study Group Panel and Business Meeting
Katherine Reed
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Now You See Us, Now You Don’t: Radical Queer Expression and Mainstream Assimilation
Harry Castle
Location: Vail
Organological Origins and Obsessions
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Representing Racialized Selves and Others in Czech Music
Brian Stuart Locke
Western Illinois University,
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Spaces and Transformations
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
What is Latin Song in the Medieval World?
Mary Channen Caldwell
University of Pennsylvania,
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Harmony in Popular Music
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
Meter and Form in Metal
Location: Denver
AMS President's Plenary Lecture Pre-Session
Location: Gold
AMS Board Meet & Greet 1
Location: South Convention Lobby
Joint Interest Group and Affiliates Fair
Location: South Convention Lobby
SMT Music Theory Online Editorial Board Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 10
Dreaming Reparative Musicologies in a Paranoid Time (AMS President’s Endowed Plenary Lecture)
Location: Grand Ballroom II
Joint Welcome Reception
Location: Plaza Ballroom (A/B/C)
Northwestern University Reception
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
SMT Analysis of World Musics /History of Theory Interest Groups Meeting
Location: Silver
SMT Dance & Movement Interest Group Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom I
SMT Mathematics of Music Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
AMS Ecomusicology Study Group Lightning Talks and Business Meeting
Heidi Lee Jensen
Alfred University
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Anti-Semitism, Music, and Music Studies: Views from the Field
Uri S Schreter
Harvard University,
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Beyond the Staff: Notation Pedagogies and Practices
Ginger Dellenbaugh
Yale University,
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Early Sacred/Liturgical Musics and Digital Humanities: Skills and Resources
Catherine Saucier
Arizona State University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Popular Music, Gendered Violence, and Trauma Studies
Jillian C Rogers
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Taking Stock: The Ibero-American Music Study Group Turns Thirty
Vera Wolkowicz
Location: Vail
AMS/SMT After Dark
Location: Windows
Date: Friday, 10/Nov/2023
AMS/SMT After Dark (con't)
Location: Windows
W. W. Norton Focus Group
Location: Director's Row I

Closed session.

SMT Music Notation & Visualization Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
SMT Student Breakfast Reception
Location: Plaza Ballroom A
American Brahms Society Board of Directors Business Meeting
Location: Tower Court C
AMS Communications Committee Meeting
Sarah Eyerly
Florida State University
Location: Governor's Sq. 10
AMS Publications Committee
Location: Tower Court D
AMS Student Chapter Representatives to Council
Location: Director's Row E
SMT Poster Session
Location: Columbine
Eileen Southern Scholars Breakfast and Mentoring Session
Location: Tower Court B
Eileen Southern Travel Fund Committee
Location: Tower Court A
New Approaches in Popular Music, Performance, and Technology
Location: Windows
Exhibit Hall Open
Location: Plaza Exhibit

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for a complimentary service of coffee and other beverages with light snacks. First come, first served.

Boethius, Harmonic Theory, and the Alia musica: New Perspectives
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Catholic Circles
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Constructions of Race and Gender in Film
Location: Vail
Exploring Feminist Scholarship in Music Theory
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
Fairy tales and music between “Asia” and “Germany”
Amanda Hsieh
Durham University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Lost and Found: New Work in Ravel Studies
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Open Access Resources in the Music History Classroom and Beyond: A Roundtable Discussion
Location: Grand Ballroom II
Price’s “Whiteness”, Shostakovich’s “Jewishness” and Cooper’s “Royalty”: Signifying Otherness as Resistance within Existing Collectivities
Tanya Landau
Roosevelt University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Sounds, Materialities, and Pleasures in the Garden
Devanney Turpin Haruta
Brown University,
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
The Genesis of Popular Song
Location: Silver
Theory, History, and the Practice of Listening
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Transnational Politics of the Stage
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Graduate Student Workshop: Feminist Analysis
Location: Plaza Court 6

Rachel Lumsden, leader

Graduate Student Workshop: Marxism, Music Studies, and Hermeneutics
Location: Plaza Court 7

Sumanth Gopinath, leader

A Survey of the Sources of Serialism at its Centenary
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Microtonal Listenings
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Cultural History of Western Music
Location: Plaza Ballroom A
Coffee Break
Location: Plaza Exhibit

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for a complimentary service of coffee and other beverages with light snacks. First come, first served.

SMT Retired Members Coffee Hour
Location: Director's Row J
Fragments to Footlights: What can we learn from operatic sketches?
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Mediation of Blackness in Mid-Twentieth-Century America
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Mobility, Media, and Money in Early Modern Popular Music
Erica Pauline Levenson
SUNY Potsdam,
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Music Education and Cultural Identity in 19th-century France
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Musical Utopias
Location: Majesty Ballroom
New Approaches to Studying Recorded Jewish Music
Mark Kligman
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Performance, Analysis, and Embodiment
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
Queer Musical Codes in Disguise
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Queer Otherwise Possibilities in the SMT and Beyond: A Workshop and Conversation
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Songs of the Self / Sounds of the Nation
Location: Vail
The Shape of Musicology to Come (AMS Critical Race Lecture)
Location: Grand Ballroom II

This session features contributions from:

Invited Panelists

  • Alex Blue V (Assistant Professor of Art History and Communication at McGill University
  • Rena Roussin (PhD candidate in musicology at the University of Toronto) 
  • Ireri E. Chávez-Bárcenas (Assistant Professor of Music at Bowdoin)
  • Amanda Hsieh (Assistant Professor of Musicology at Durham University)


  • Diane Oliva (Assistant Professor of Musicology in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance at the University of Michigan; current CRIE member and incoming CRIE co-chair) 
  • Sergio Ospina Romero (Assistant Professor of Musicology in the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University; current CRIE member)
Workshop: Rethinking Aural Skills Through Backwards Design
Location: Silver
18th-Century Poietics
Location: Windows
AMS Board Meet & Greet 2
Location: Plaza Exhibit
Music Copyright Office Hours: Ask a Theorist-Attorney!
Location: Plaza Exhibit

SMT Booth 408 

Bring your burning music copyright questions to the Exhibit Hall and chat with music theorists whose work in music theory has brought them to the law. 

AMS Global East Asian Music Research Study Group Business Meeting
Kunio Hara
University of South Carolina
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
AMS Music and Disability Study Group Business Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom II
Committee on Career-Related Issues Brown-Bag Lunch
Catherine Mayes
University of Utah
Location: Director's Row E
Jazz and Improvisation Study Group Business Meeting
Kimberly Hannon Teal
University of North Texas,
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Mozart Society of America Business Meeting and Study Session
Location: Vail
Music and the Unique Challenges of Dance Research: MDSG Workshop 2023
Stephen S. Hudson
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Music, Sound, and Trauma Study Group Business Meeting
Jillian C Rogers
Indiana University Bloomington
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Pedagogy Study Group Business Meeting
Esther Marie Morgan-Ellis
University of North Georgia,
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Skills and Resources for Early Musics Study Group Business Meeting and Keynote
Daniel DiCenso
College of the Holy Cross
Location: Majesty Ballroom
SMT Autographs & Archival Documents Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
SMT Committee on Disability & Accessibility Brown Bag Lunch
Location: Governor's Sq. 10
SMT Committee on Feminist Issues & Gender Equity Brown Bag Lunch
Location: Director's Row H
SMT Committee on LGBTQ+ Issues Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 9

Closed Meeting.

SMT Music & Psychoanalysis Interest Group Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom I
SMT Popular Music Interest Group Meeting
Location: Denver
SMT Post-1945 Music Analysis Interest Group Meeting
Location: Silver
SMT Russian Music Theory Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Society for Seventeenth Century Music Business Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Speed Mentoring
Location: South Convention Lobby
SMT CV Review Session
Location: Plaza Court 6
SMT CV Review Waiting Room
Location: Plaza Court 7
AMS/MLA Joint RISM Committee
Location: Director's Row G
Rethinking Representation and Experience
Location: Windows
Analyzing Hip-Hop
Location: Denver
Hearing Hybridity
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
Historicizing Celebrity
Shaena Weitz
University of Bristol,
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Interrogating "Global East Asia"
Kunio Hara
University of South Carolina,
Location: Grand Ballroom II
Materials that Matter: Cultivating a Musical Tradition with Found Objects
Luke Helker
Benedictine College
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Missionaries and Music
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Music, Labor, and Jewish Identity
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Music, State Populism, and Affective Nationalism in Early 20th-Century Latin America
Location: Majesty Ballroom
New Considerations in Black Music Research
Location: Vail
Public Scholarship: How We Got Here, Where We’re Going
Reba Wissner
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Puppetry, Music, and National Identity
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Rethinking the West: Arabic and Hebrew Music Theory in Medieval Iberia
Location: Silver
Writing and Collecting Music in the Thirteenth Century: New Perspectives and Historiographical Challenges
Áine Palmer
Yale University,
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Harmonic Effects
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Professional Ins and Outs: Practicing/Performing Public Music Theory
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Ambient Music and EDM
Location: Silver
Classical Forms
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
Composing the "Other" in the Early 20th Century
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Hearing “American” Music: Subjectivity and Diplomacy during the Cold War
Kari Lindquist
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Message Music: Musicology and Social Movements
Jessie Ann Owens
University of California, Davis,
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Metric Modulations, Patterns, and Schemas
Location: Denver
Music, Technology, and Communication
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Orality in Italian Popular Song
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Quotation and Borrowing in the Sacred
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Reframing the Music Theory Curriculum with Sarah Louden (NYU Steinhardt) & Paula Maust (Peabody Institute), Presented by Auralia & Musition
Location: Vail
Riddled with Regression?: Prospects for Inclusive Professionalism in the Music Fields
Location: Windows
Silence, Dissonance, and Dialogue: New Perspectives on French Modernism
David T. Salkowski
University of Tennessee,
Location: Grand Ballroom II
Transauralities: Thinking Trans in Music/Sound Studies
Alejandrina M. Medina
University of California San Diego,
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Gospel Music
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Music Copyright Office Hours: Ask a Theorist-Attorney!
Location: Plaza Exhibit

SMT Booth 408 

Bring your burning music copyright questions to the Exhibit Hall and chat with music theorists whose work in music theory has brought them to the law. 

AMS Career Development Grants in American Music: Check-in 1
Location: Director's Row E
Joint Prospective Graduate Student Fair
Location: South Convention Lobby
Reception for Friends of the AMS
Jessie Ann Owens
University of California, Davis,
Location: Governor's Sq. 10
Eastman School of Music Alumni Reception
Location: Director's Row I
Friends of Stony Brook
Location: Tower Court A
Rice University Alumni Reception
Location: Tower Court B
RIPM / RILM Reception
Location: Director's Row H
University of Kansas School of Music Meet and Greet
Location: Plaza Court 1
Joint Student Reception
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Case Western Reserve University Reception
Location: Tower Court C
Florida State University Reception
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
New York University Reception
Location: Vail
Project Spectrum Reception
Location: Tower Court D
W. W. Norton Party
Location: Majesty Ballroom
SMT Composition Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
SMT Film and Multimedia Interest Group Meeting
Location: Silver
SMT Global Interculturalism & Musical Peripheries Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
SMT Hip-Hop & Rap Interest Group Meeting
Location: Denver
SMT Musical Theater Interest Group Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom I
“Godless Communists” and “Christian Patriots”: Music and Spirituality in the Cold War
Gabrielle Cornish
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
AMS Ludomusicology Poster Session: Music, Games, and Play
Cristian Martinez Vega
AMS Ludomusicology Study Group,
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Disability Identity in Music Scholarship
Elizabeth McLain
Virginia Tech,
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Queer Musicology from Dykecore to the Quare Canon
Maria Murphy
University of Pennsylvania,
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Rethinking (Im)mobility in Global Music History Studies
Hyun Kyong Hannah Chang
Location: Windows
Student Engagement: Texts and Tools
Esther Marie Morgan-Ellis
University of North Georgia,
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
University of Chicago Reception
Location: Grand Ballroom II
University of Alberta Reception
Location: Tower Court B
Society for Christian Scholarship in Music Annual Reception
Location: Tower Court A
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Reception
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
University of Oregon Reception
Location: Director's Row I
Viola da Gamba Jam
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
Columbia University Reception
Location: Vail
LGBTQ Study Group Party
Maria Murphy
University of Pennsylvania,
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Date: Saturday, 11/Nov/2023
Ohio State University Student-Alumni Breakfast
Location: Director's Row E
AMS Board and Council Breakfast
Location: Plaza Ballroom A
SMT 2024 Program Committee Meeting
Location: Director's Row F
SMT Interest Groups Breakfast Meeting
Location: Director's Row I
SMT-V Editorial Board Meeting
Location: Director's Row J
SMT-Pod Drop-In Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 10

SMT-Pod will be having a drop-in session, open to all attendees. Past, current, and future authors, board member, and peer reviewers are encouraged to come by! Ask questions, share experiences, and hear out about opportunities to publish or work with SMT-Pod. 

Exhibit Hall Open
Location: Plaza Exhibit

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for a complimentary service of coffee and other beverages with light snacks. First come, first served.

Country Music
Location: Silver
Queer Theory
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Between Worlds: Making Community in Black Music
Location: Grand Ballroom II
Creative Characterizations in Film
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Disability and Affordance in Popular Music
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Dissertation to Book: Recent Survivors
Location: Vail
Gender, Opera, and Social Politics
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Medieval Polyphony
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Mentoring Grad Students Toward Many Possible Futures: A Workshop for Faculty Advisors
Location: Windows
Nationalism and Politics
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Navigating Cultural Identity: New York City’s Professional Musician Community, 1824-1858
Douglas Shadle
Vanderbilt University,
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Redefining Music Theory through Translation
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Sound Recording and Global Imperialism in the Early Twentieth Century
Sergio Ospina Romero
Indiana University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
The History of Harmony
Location: Denver
The Ur of the Ore: Moments in the Origins of Heavy Metal
Charles Wofford
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
AMS Poster Session
Location: South Convention Lobby
The SMT Committee on Disability and Accessibility Session
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
Coffee Break
Location: Plaza Exhibit

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for a complimentary service of coffee and other beverages with light snacks. First come, first served.

Form in Popular Music
Location: Silver
Romantic Form
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Compositional Strategies for Sacrality and Acceptance
Location: Vail
Copyright, Reparations, and the Marketplace
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Georgia, Ukraine, and Decolonizing Soviet Music History
Peter Schmelz
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Lessons from the CRIM Project: What Can We Teach Machines about Renaissance Counterpoint, and What Can They Teach Us about Analysis
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Models and Maps
Location: Denver
Music and the Middlebrow
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Music for White America
Location: Majesty Ballroom
My Life in Music: An Autoethnography of a Curator (AMS Committee on Women and Gender Endowed Lecture)
Location: Grand Ballroom II
Opera on the Periphery
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Performance, Politics, and Media in the Philippines
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Transforming Nationalism in Spanish Music: From Cultural Expression to Propaganda (1898-1975)
Alessio Olivieri
University of Nebraska Lincoln,
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
European Music and Caribbean Slavery in the Eighteenth Century
Maria Ryan
Florida State University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Business meeting of the Committee on the Publication of American Music
Stephanie Vander Wel
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Location: Director's Row F
AMS Council
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
AMS Global Music History Business Meeting
Hyun Kyong Hannah Chang
University of Sheffield
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
AMS Music and Philosophy Study Group Business Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Decolonizing Mode in the Twenty-First Century Music History Classroom
Jacob Ryan Ludwig
The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music,
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Haydn Society of North America Annual General Meeting and Business Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 10
LGBTQ Study Group Business Meeting
Maria Murphy
University of Pennsylvania
Location: Vail
Music Copyright Office Hours: Ask a Theorist-Attorney!
Location: Plaza Exhibit

SMT Booth 408 

Bring your burning music copyright questions to the Exhibit Hall and chat with music theorists whose work in music theory has brought them to the law. 

Notation, Inscription and Visualization Study Group Business Meeting
Ginger Dellenbaugh
American Musicological Society,
Location: Plaza Ballroom D

Closed meeting.

Open Access Musicology
Location: Columbine
Overcoming Barriers, Using Assets as ADHD Scholars in Musicology
Stephanie Frakes
University of Manitoba,
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Popular Music Study Group Business Meeting
Amy Coddington
Amherst College
Location: Grand Ballroom II
SMT Jazz Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
SMT Music Cognition Interest Group Meeting
Location: Denver
SMT Music Informatics & Music Theory Pedagogy Interest Groups Meeting
Location: Silver
SMT Timbre & Orchestration Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
SMT Work & Family Interest Group Meeting
Location: Plaza Court 1
Speed Networking
Location: South Convention Lobby
AMS Board Meet & Greet 3
Location: Plaza Exhibit
Composition and Indigeneity
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Conceptualizing Mode and Key
Location: Windows
Fields, Gardens, and Labyrinths
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
From Political Work to Homoerotic Play: Music in Cults of James and Anna
K. Dawn Grapes
Colorado State University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
How George Bridgetower Flourished: A Violinist's Bridge Between Past and Future
Nicole Cherry
University of Texas at San Antonio
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Music and the Law
Ginger Dellenbaugh
Yale University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
News, American Politics, and the Stage
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Operetta and cultural transfer in Europe
Mirjana Plath
University of Oslo,
Location: Vail
Vocal Timbre in Popular Music
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
SMT Business Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom I

Open to all attendees.

SMT Awards Ceremony
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Scott Joplin's Ragtime
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Bases and Superstructures: Academic Music Studies and the Capitalist Present
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
East Asia, Composition, and Transnationalism
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Historicizing Queerness
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Histories of Pedagogy/Pedagogies of History
Darren Mueller
Eastman School of Music,
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Late 16th–Early 17th-Century Polyphony
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Lessons from Avian Organology
Robert Vincent Giglio
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Machine Sounds
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Race and Identity in Colonial Latin America
Location: Windows
Rethinking Intercultural Composition
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Wagnerian Parodies
Adeline Anastasia Heck
Location: Vail
Music Copyright Office Hours: Ask a Theorist-Attorney!
Location: Plaza Exhibit

SMT Booth 408 

Bring your burning music copyright questions to the Exhibit Hall and chat with music theorists whose work in music theory has brought them to the law. 

SMT Plenary: Public Music Theory
Location: Grand Ballroom I

Submit questions for the panel at the following link:

AMS Career Development Grants in American Music: Check-in 2
Location: Director's Row E
AMS Business Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom II
AMS Awards Ceremony
Location: Grand Ballroom II
CCM Reception
Location: Plaza Court 1
AMS/SMT Awards Reception
Location: Windows
SMT Disability and Music Interest Group Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom I
SMT Improvisation Interest Group Meeting
Location: Silver
SMT Music and Philosophy Interest Group Meeting
Location: Denver
SMT Performance and Analysis Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
SMT Scholars for Social Responsibility Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Kyle Christopher Kaplan
University College Dublin,
Location: Vail
Music and Dance Study Group Business Meeting
Stephen S. Hudson
Occidental College
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Music, Sound, and the Making of Eco-Culture
Heidi Lee Jensen
Alfred University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Retrofitting the Bandura for a Soviet Childhood: Ukraine’s National Instrument, Violent Erasures, and the Plan for a Communist Music
Susan Boynton
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Teaching Popular Music Studies: Pedagogy and Curriculum
Amy Coddington
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
UCLA Musicology Alumni Party
Location: Plaza Ballroom A
Honoring Susan Youens
Location: Director's Row I
McGill Reception
Location: Tower Court B
University of Pennsylvania Department of Music Reception
Location: Director's Row H
Stanford University Department of Music Reception
Location: Tower Court A
Yale Alumni and Friends Reception
Location: Grand Ballroom II
AP Music Theory Reception
Location: Director's Row J
CUNY Party
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Networking Reception
Location: Tower Court C
Princeton University Party for Students, Alumni, and Friends
Location: Tower Court D
University of Illinois Reception
Location: Gold
University of North Texas Reception
Location: Governor's Sq. 10
University of Texas at Austin Alumni Reception
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Cornell Reception
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
University of California, Berkeley Alumni Reception
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Date: Sunday, 12/Nov/2023
Exhibit Hall Open
Location: Plaza Exhibit

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for a complimentary service of coffee and other beverages with light snacks. First come, first served.

Analyzing Jazz
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Blindness and Musical Identity
Location: Windows
Contemporary American Opera at the Intersection of Genre and Institution
Ryan Ebright
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Expanded Anthology of Sources in the History of Music Theory
Thomas Christensen
University of Chicago
Location: Plaza Court 2
Music and Female Agency in European Society
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Music and Quackery in Britain and America
Remi Chiu
Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University,
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Music and World War II
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Music of China
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Power and Aurality in Colonial Latin America
Javier Marín-López
Universidad de Jaén,
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Revisiting the 2017 _Musicology Now_ "Open Letter to AMS Members on the State of the Academic Job Market": Strategies for Implementation
Catherine Mayes
Location: Grand Ballroom II
Signs in Film and Television
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
Theorizing Timbre, Texture, and Space in Hip-Hop Music
Location: Silver
Timbres, Voices, Ciphers
Location: Plaza Court 1
Coffee Break
Location: Plaza Exhibit

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for a complimentary service of coffee and other beverages with light snacks. First come, first served.

The Popular Singing Voice
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Discoveries in Post-Tonal Music
Location: Silver
Contrafacts: A Template for Agency and Identity Formation
Kendall Hatch Winter
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Demystifying Public Musicology
Eduardo Herrera
Indiana University,
Location: Grand Ballroom II
France and the Politics of Cultural Exchange
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Music and Dance
Location: Plaza Court 1
Narrating Indigenous Musical Histories
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
On the Totalitarian Stage
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Opera and the Politics of Inclusion and Consent
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Specters of Polyphony
Location: Governor's Sq. 15

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Conference: AMS-SMT 2023 Joint Annual Meeting
Conference Software: ConfTool Pro 2.6.151+TC
© 2001–2024 by Dr. H. Weinreich, Hamburg, Germany