Conference Agenda

The Online Program of events for the 2023 AMS & SMT Joint Annual Meeting appears below. This program is subject to change. The final program will be published in early November.

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Session Overview
Revisiting the 2017 _Musicology Now_ "Open Letter to AMS Members on the State of the Academic Job Market": Strategies for Implementation
Sunday, 12/Nov/2023:
9:00am - 10:30am

Location: Grand Ballroom II

Session Topics:
Pedagogy / Education, AMS

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Revisiting the 2017 _Musicology Now_ "Open Letter to AMS Members on the State of the Academic Job Market": Strategies for Implementation

Chair(s): Jennifer Saltzstein (University of Oklahoma), Brandi Neal (Virginia Commonwealth University)

Presenter(s): William Cheng (Dartmouth College), Alexander Rehding (Harvard University), Marysol Quevedo (University of Miami), Samantha Bassler (New York University)

Organized by the AMS Committee on Career-Related Issues

In 2017, Musicology Now published “An Open Letter to AMS Members on the State of the Academic Job Market.” The letter featured a frank discussion of the realities of the academic job market in musicology and gave voice to “the frustration and helplessness” that the signatories, their colleagues, and their students were experiencing surrounding the dearth of academic positions. To the leadership of professional societies, members of professional societies, and departments that employ musicologists, the letter offered a set of concrete proposals meant to provide greater support for and inclusion of contingent faculty and musicologists engaged in (or seeking) work outside academia. This panel will serve as a peer-to-peer workshop focused on implementation.

The co-chairs will speak for 5 minutes to contextualize the letter, summarize its recommendations, review the principles outlined in the statement on AMS and Contingent Faculty, and introduce the speakers. Four signatories will each give a 10-minute lightning talk addressing the ways in which they have sought to implement the letter’s recommendations in their own institutional contexts. These talks will be followed by 15 minutes for break-out groups allowing audience members to discuss challenges and opportunities surrounding reform in their own institutions. Next, a thirty-minute group discussion moderated by the co-chairs will allow participants to share the insights of their small group, share successes and failures, and address questions to the panelists. These conversations may reveal methods that AMS members have used to reform the objectives and size of Ph.D. programs, to help musicology students secure jobs outside academia, to diversify hiring, and especially to open access to resources and support for contingent faculty (amid other goals articulated in the open letter). We hope that all participants will leave the session with concrete strategies they can use to enact further reforms.

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Conference: AMS-SMT 2023 Joint Annual Meeting
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