Conference Agenda

The Online Program of events for the 2023 AMS & SMT Joint Annual Meeting appears below. This program is subject to change. The final program will be published in early November.

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Session Overview
Location: Vail
Date: Thursday, 09/Nov/2023
Women, Musical Communities, and Social Change
Location: Vail
Chair: Peng Liu

Lifting as She Climbed: Mollie Fines and Music in African American Women’s Clubs

Marian Wilson Kimber

Sounding Freedom at the Capital: Persian Protest Music in the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement

Sara Fazeli Masayeh

There is no Audience Without Ladies: Gendered Participation in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro Concert Culture (1860-1900)

Miranda Bartira Tagliari Sousa

Now You See Us, Now You Don’t: Radical Queer Expression and Mainstream Assimilation
Harry Castle
Location: Vail
Chair: William Cheng

Chair(s): William Cheng


Presentations of the Symposium


Singing "Out": Radicalism and Assimilation in Queer Community Choirs

AJ Banta


It’s Funny, Honey: Gender Identity and the Performance of Drag in Musical Theatre

Harry Castle


“Doing Something Unholy:” Mainstreaming Queer Subculture on TikTok

Kelly Hoppenjans

Taking Stock: The Ibero-American Music Study Group Turns Thirty
Vera Wolkowicz
Location: Vail

Chair(s): Carol A. Hess, Bernard Gordillo Brockmann

Presenter(s): William J. Summers, Walter A. Clark, Ana Alonso-Minutti, Alejandro L. Madrid, M. Myrta Leslie Santana, Jacqueline Avila, Cesar D. Favila, Rafael Torralvo da Silva, Sergio Ospina-Romero

Date: Friday, 10/Nov/2023
Constructions of Race and Gender in Film
Location: Vail
Chair: Jasmine Henry

End of Empire? Scoring for African-based Narrative Film, 1937-1966

John H. O'Flynn

Film-Opera as Transnational Activism: The Queer “Retro-Futurist” Politics of ORFEAS2021

Jane Isabelle Forner

Nondiegetic Sound and Queer Disembodiment in "Laura" (1944)

Stephen Rumph

Songs of the Self / Sounds of the Nation
Location: Vail
Chair: Pierpaolo Polzonetti

“Listen, Remember, and Recreate”: Jazz 101 in Occupied Japan

Stella Li

“Wilderness of Wickedness”: How a Musical Battle between Sex Workers and the Salvation Army Shaped Montana’s Settler Ideology

Siriana Lundgren

(Re)remembering Theodorakis: ‘Art-popular’ song as the afterlife of Greek wartime and resistance music making

Eirini Diamantouli

Mozart Society of America Business Meeting and Study Session
Location: Vail
New Considerations in Black Music Research
Location: Vail
Chair: Mark Burford, Reed College

From Out of Bondage to The Underground Railroad: Early African-American Musical Theatre Rediscovered

Nico Schüler

Washington Conservatory Alumni in the Long History of Black Music Studies

Louis Kaiser Epstein, Maeve Nagel-Frazel

Reframing the Music Theory Curriculum with Sarah Louden (NYU Steinhardt) & Paula Maust (Peabody Institute), Presented by Auralia & Musition
Location: Vail
New York University Reception
Location: Vail
Columbia University Reception
Location: Vail

Date: Saturday, 11/Nov/2023
Dissertation to Book: Recent Survivors
Location: Vail

Dissertation to Book: Recent Survivors

Chair(s): Kimberly Hannon Teal

Presenter(s): Lauron Kehrer, Darren Mueller, Kelsey Klotz, Kira Thurman

Compositional Strategies for Sacrality and Acceptance
Location: Vail
Chair: Kirsten Yri

Literary Worlds and Storytelling Narratives in the Technical Death Metal of Nile: Western Subjectivities and Ancient Egyptian Historical Imagination

Eric Smialek

Music and Sun Ra’s Atlantean-Egyptian Magic

Anna Gawboy

Notational Complexity and the Construction of Legitimacy: Steve Vai Transcribes Frank Zappa Note for Note

Alexander James Hallenbeck

LGBTQ Study Group Business Meeting
Maria Murphy
University of Pennsylvania
Location: Vail

Maria Murphy

Operetta and cultural transfer in Europe
Mirjana Plath
University of Oslo,
Location: Vail
Chair: Sarah Hibberd

Chair(s): Sarah Hibberd


Presentations of the Symposium


“The best from abroad is good enough for the people of Amsterdam”. Operetta transfer in Amsterdam’s theatrical landscape, 1860-1880

Veerle Maria Everdina Driessen


German operetta as a means of escape for Nazi persecutees to Stockholm in the 1930s

Mirjana Plath


From fantasias to cineoperette: operetta transfer and intermediality in the experience of the Casa Sonzogno (1874-1915)

Alessandra Palidda

Wagnerian Parodies
Adeline Anastasia Heck
Location: Vail
Chair: Feng-Shu Lee, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Chair(s): Feng-Shu Lee


Presentations of the Symposium


Irreverent Wagnerism: French Literary Parodies of Wagner in the Fin de Siècle (1885-1895)

Adeline Anastasia Heck


French Instrumental Parodies of Wagner in the 1880s

François Delécluse


The Element of Parody in Anna Russell’s Wagner

Jeremy Coleman

Kyle Christopher Kaplan
University College Dublin,
Location: Vail

Chair(s): Kyle Kaplan


Presentations of the Symposium


Earth as Sound Archive

Peter McMurray


Materiality, Mobility, and Music in an Early Modern Maritime Archive

Nathan Reeves


How would a post-custodial archive look like in the case of the AUMI Consortium?

Valentina Bertolani


What is the Status of a Vaulted Tape When the Building Burns?

Michael Heller