Conference Agenda

The Online Program of events for the 2023 AMS & SMT Joint Annual Meeting appears below. This program is subject to change. The final program will be published in early November.

Use the "Filter by Track or Type of Session" or "Filter by Session Topic" dropdown to limit results by type.

Use the search bar to search by name or title of paper/session. Note that this search bar does not search by keyword.

Click on the session name for a detailed view (with participant names and abstracts).

Session Overview
Date: Saturday, 11/Nov/2023
Ohio State University Student-Alumni Breakfast
Location: Director's Row E
AMS Board and Council Breakfast
Location: Plaza Ballroom A
SMT 2024 Program Committee Meeting
Location: Director's Row F
SMT Interest Groups Breakfast Meeting
Location: Director's Row I
SMT-V Editorial Board Meeting
Location: Director's Row J
SMT-Pod Drop-In Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 10

SMT-Pod will be having a drop-in session, open to all attendees. Past, current, and future authors, board member, and peer reviewers are encouraged to come by! Ask questions, share experiences, and hear out about opportunities to publish or work with SMT-Pod. 

Exhibit Hall Open
Location: Plaza Exhibit

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for a complimentary service of coffee and other beverages with light snacks. First come, first served.

Country Music
Location: Silver
Chair: Jocelyn Neal, UNC Chapel Hill

“So Lonesome I Could Cry”: The Tear-Jerking Refrain in Country Music

Ben Duane

She Tells the Story: The Lyrical Narrator, Persona, and Empowerment in Country Songs

Madison Stepherson

Queer Theory
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Chair: Rachel Lumsden, Florida State University

Knights, Incels, and Bach?: Transhistoricism and Queer Listening in Dorian Electra’s My Agenda

hallie voulgaris

Consonance, Dissonance, and Gender: A Queer-Theoretical Approach to Johanna Beyer's Clarinet Suites (1932)

Alexandrea Jonker

Between Worlds: Making Community in Black Music
Location: Grand Ballroom II

Chair(s): Gayle Murchison


Presentations of the Symposium


Black Music’s Interstitial Inhabitance

Jonathan A. Gómez


Mary Lou Williams’s Apartment: Sites of a Speculative Music Theory

Marc Edward Hannaford


Songs of the Soil: The Science and Soul of Chthonic Jazz

Mark Lomanno

Creative Characterizations in Film
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Chair: Esther Marie Morgan-Ellis, University of North Georgia

Francis Chagrin, Gerard Hoffnung, and the Art of Musical Caricature

Jeremy Orosz

From 'Agitato' to 'Yearning': Interpreting Stock Music for Silent Film through Data Analysis and Musical Topoi

Paul Allen Sommerfeld

Inside the Score: Towards a Poetics of Theme Park Music

Gregory Louis Camp

Disability and Affordance in Popular Music
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Chair: Christa Bentley

“Lady Gaga Hits Rock Bottom!”: The Embodied Crisis of Pop Performance

Katelyn Hearfield

Reconstructing Wheelchair-using Sexual Women: Ali Stroker, Oklahoma!, and the Politics of Visibility in Music Performance

Echo Lee Davidson

The Affordances of a Pegleg: Disablist Music-Making and (A)symmetry in Rhythm Tap Dance

Rachel Gain

Dissertation to Book: Recent Survivors
Location: Vail

Dissertation to Book: Recent Survivors

Chair(s): Kimberly Hannon Teal

Presenter(s): Lauron Kehrer, Darren Mueller, Kelsey Klotz, Kira Thurman

Gender, Opera, and Social Politics
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Chair: James Cassaro

Jules Massenet and the Paradox of Gendered Reception

Jennifer Walker

Luigi Marescalchi and the Circulation of Power: Women on the Late Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera Stage

Margaret Butler

Debating Cosmopolitan Utopia: Women Singers at the Glyndebourne Opera Festival in the 1930s

Beth M Snyder

Medieval Polyphony
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Chair: John Thomas Brobeck, University of Arizona

Asses and Ales: Locating Ethnicity through Parody in Thirteenth-Century Balaam Motets

Eleanor Price

Machaut’s Rests in Scribal Hands

Emily Korzeniewski

Repetition in the Insular Polyphonic Alleluya and the Integrity of Plainchant

Karen Desmond

Mentoring Grad Students Toward Many Possible Futures: A Workshop for Faculty Advisors
Location: Windows
Presenter: Danielle Fosler-Lussier, Ohio State University
Presenter: Stacy Hartman, Independent Scholar and Project Consultant
Nationalism and Politics
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Chair: Steven Huebner

“‘No Anthem Linked to Russia’: Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 as a Substitute Russian Anthem at the Olympic Games”

Lena Leson

A Lost Legacy: Multivalent Nationalism in the Works of Emilie Mayer

Eleanor Legault

Rehearsing Settler Colonialism: Music in The Spectacle of Canadian National Identity

Hannah Claire Willmann

Navigating Cultural Identity: New York City’s Professional Musician Community, 1824-1858
Douglas Shadle
Vanderbilt University,
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Chair: Douglas Shadle, Vanderbilt University

Chair(s): Douglas Shadle


Presentations of the Symposium


New York Musicians in Revolt: the 1828 Musical Fund Society as an Inspiration for the 1842 Philharmonic

Barbara Haws


The True Story of the New-York American Music Association, 1855–1858

Douglas Shadle


Early Nineteenth-Century American Chamber Music: Unknown and Unloved?

John Graziano

Redefining Music Theory through Translation
Location: Grand Ballroom I

Organizer(s): Edwin Li

Chair(s): Anna Yu Wang, Chris Stover


Presentations of the Symposium


A Linguistic Approach to Music Analysis in 21st-Century China

Rong Qian


Metric Theory as an Instrument of Nationalism: Dobri Hristov’s “Rhythmic Fundamentals of Bulgarian Folk Music” (1913)

Daniel Goldberg


Gusti Putu Made Geria’s World of Balinese Music Theory

Michael Tenzer

Sound Recording and Global Imperialism in the Early Twentieth Century
Sergio Ospina Romero
Indiana University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Chair: Sergio Ospina Romero, Indiana University

Chair(s): Sergio Ospina Romero


Presentations of the Symposium


Listening to the Colonial Archive Trans-Historically: Things, Sound Objects, Legacy, and the Konrad T. Preuss Collection at the Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv

Alejandro L. Madrid


Talking Machine Empires and the Early Sound Recording Business in Latin America and the Caribbean

Sergio Ospina Romero


Listening to Arab Modernity: Commercial Recordings from the 1932 Cairo Congress

Melissa Camp

The History of Harmony
Location: Denver

William Herschel’s Modulation in Theory and Practice

Sarah Clemmens Waltz

Twentieth-Century French Approaches to Harmonic Dualism

Stephanie Venturino

Why Richter? Exploring the International Success of Richterian Theory Pedagogy in the Nineteenth Century

Bjørnar Utne-Reitan

The Ur of the Ore: Moments in the Origins of Heavy Metal
Charles Wofford
Location: Plaza Ballroom F

Chair(s): TBD TBD


Presentations of the Symposium


Metal Unchained: A Critique of the Conventional Heavy Metal Historiography

Charles Wofford


Galloping through Proto-Metal with Ritchie Blackmore, John Paul Jones, and Nancy Wilson

Isaac Johnson


Heavy Metal Roots Left in the Dark

Amir Dawarzani

AMS Poster Session
Location: South Convention Lobby

_Crusader Rabbit_ and the Transition from the Theater to the Television

Lisa Scoggin

EDB (Electronic Dance Bluegrass): Acoustic Representations of EDM in the Punch Brothers' "Familiarity"

Kevin Connor Laskey

The Colonial Effects of Opera in Portuguese Brazil: An Overview

Brandon Lane Foskett

Quantitatively derived markers of socio-political biases in popular music contests: Eurovision 2022 case study

Nikolai Klotchkov

The SMT Committee on Disability and Accessibility Session
Location: Governor's Sq. 15

Organizer(s): David Easley

Chair(s): David Easley

Discussant(s): Tekla Babyak, Kate Pukinskis, Toby Rush, Kristen Wallentinsen


Presentations of the Symposium


Joni Mitchell and the Poetics of Human Imperfection

Timothy Koozin


Learning from misrepresentations of autism in music theory disability studies to improve scholarship and increase understanding of autism spectrum disorders

Kate McDonald


Lost in Transcription? Captioning Issues for Music and Sound in Film and Television, A Presentation with Breakout Discussions

James Deaville

Coffee Break
Location: Plaza Exhibit

Join us in the Exhibit Hall for a complimentary service of coffee and other beverages with light snacks. First come, first served.

Form in Popular Music
Location: Silver
Chair: Drew Nobile, University of Oregon

“We All Have a Hunger”: Formal Blends as Rebuilds in Popular Song

David Scott Carter

Formal Functions of Melodic Patterns in Popular Music

Jeremy Michael Robins

Recombinant Teleology in Improvised Popular Music

Micheal Sebulsky

Formal Features of the Songs of Chuck Berry

Christopher Doll

Romantic Form
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Chair: Andrew Isaac Aziz, San Diego State University

Spawn of the Symphonic Boa Constrictor: Formal Strategies from the Post- and Neo-Brucknerians

Frank Martin Lehman

Retracted Tonal Areas in Sonata-Form Expositions: Circular Directionality in Early Nineteenth-Century Music

Yonatan Bar-Yoshafat

Medial Caesura, wherefore art thou? The Augmented Sixth chord as a Formal Initiator in 19th-Century Sonata Expositions

Graham G Hunt

Corpus Studies, Sonata Typology, and the 19th-Century Violin Concerto: Viotti, Saint-Saëns, and the Challenge of Recapitulatory Compression

Peter Smith, Julian Horton

Compositional Strategies for Sacrality and Acceptance
Location: Vail
Chair: Kirsten Yri

Literary Worlds and Storytelling Narratives in the Technical Death Metal of Nile: Western Subjectivities and Ancient Egyptian Historical Imagination

Eric Smialek

Music and Sun Ra’s Atlantean-Egyptian Magic

Anna Gawboy

Notational Complexity and the Construction of Legitimacy: Steve Vai Transcribes Frank Zappa Note for Note

Alexander James Hallenbeck

Copyright, Reparations, and the Marketplace
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Chair: Ryan Raul Bañagale, Colorado College

"Hot Milk" to "One Hundred Guns": Samples and Riddims in Music Publishing

Claire E McLeish

Haunted House Blues: Bessie Smith, Vocal Possessions, and the Time of Redress

Matthew Mendez

Turning Rap into Pop on Commercial Radio Stations

Amy Coddington

Georgia, Ukraine, and Decolonizing Soviet Music History
Peter Schmelz
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
Chair: Peter Schmelz

Chair(s): Peter Schmelz


Presentations of the Symposium


Music in Uniform: The Case of Georgia

Nana Sharikadze


Georgian Opera under Stalinism: From Celebrations to Complications

Maia Sigua


The Kyiv Avant-garde Revisited: Decolonial Reflections on the Music of Valentyn Sylvestrov and Borys Lyatoshynsky

Peter Schmelz

Lessons from the CRIM Project: What Can We Teach Machines about Renaissance Counterpoint, and What Can They Teach Us about Analysis
Location: Grand Ballroom I

Chair(s): Richard Freedman


Presentations of the Symposium


Presentation types and formal function in Renaissance polyphony

Julie Cumming


With Baccusi in the Jacuzzi; or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Numbers

Peter Schubert, Sylvain Margot


Block quotation in two chanson-masses by Orlando di Lasso

Vlad Praskurnin

Models and Maps
Location: Denver
Chair: Kristin Taavola, University of Denver

Ulezo: Mapping Acoustic Attributes to Timbre Descriptors in Zambian Luvale Drum Tuning

Jason Reid Winikoff, Lena Heng

Developing Corpora for Musical Traditions Across the Globe: Music Analysis with the MIRAGE-MetaCorpus

David R. W. Sears, Ting Ting Goh, Ngan V. T. Nguyen, Tommy Dang

An Experiential Model for Pitch Centricity

Stanley V. Kleppinger

Music and the Middlebrow
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Chair: David Brackett

_Sing Along with Mitch_ and the Politics of Participation

Esther Marie Morgan-Ellis

Rehab in the Nightclub: Don Shirley, Middlebrow Music, and the Civil Rights Movement

Pheaross Graham

A breach in the postwar nursery: agency, trauma, and the binaries of operatic childhood in Benjamin Britten’s _The Little Sweep_

Justin Michael Vickers

Music for White America
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Chair: Larry Hamberlin

Music in the Blood: Race Pseudoscience in Barbershop Harmony

Clifton Boyd

The Guitar Music of Leopold Meignen: Popular Music Subsidization of Concert Music in Antebellum America

Lars Helgert

Urbanization, Cosmopolitanism and Whiteness: Mapping Domestic Instruments in Early Republic Virginia

Virginia Elizabeth Whealton

My Life in Music: An Autoethnography of a Curator (AMS Committee on Women and Gender Endowed Lecture)
Location: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Stephanie Jensen-Moulton, Brooklyn College
Presenter: Dwandalyn R. Reece, Smithsonian Institution
Opera on the Periphery
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Chair: Ryan Ebright

Czech Pan-Slavism vs. Russian Imperialism: Glinka’s "A Life for the Tsar" in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Prague

Martin Nedbal

From Provincial to Capital: Staging Shostakovich’s Lady Macbeth in Twentieth-Century France

Madeline Beth Roycroft

Opera on the periphery: 'Orpheus und Eurydike' in Kassel

Daniel Thomas Boucher

Performance, Politics, and Media in the Philippines
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Chair: John Gabriel, University of Melbourne

La Mascotte’s Travels: Innocence and Empire on the Lilliputian Stages Across Asia Pacific

Isidora Kabigting Miranda

Popular Prancing: Implications of Cultural Hybridity and Blackface Minstrelsy in Reckoning Nicanor Abelardo’s “Naku….Kenkoy!”

James Carl Lagman Osorio

Surveilled Soundscapes of Big Brother

James Gabrillo

Transforming Nationalism in Spanish Music: From Cultural Expression to Propaganda (1898-1975)
Alessio Olivieri
University of Nebraska Lincoln,
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Chair: William Craig Krause, Hollins University

Chair(s): William Craig Krause


Presentations of the Symposium


“More than a pasodoble.” Flamenquismo, Realism, and Verismo in Manuel Penella’s El gato montés

Alessio Olivieri


Spanish Nationalism, Neoclassicalism, and Comic (Dis)Enchantment in Manuel de Falla’s El retablo de maese Pedro

Anthony LaLena


“Avant Garde music, but tradition”: The Constant and Ambivalent Use of Nationalism in the Music Culture of Franco’s Spain—from Autarchy in the 1940s to Spanish Developmentalism in the 1960s

Pedro López de la Osa

European Music and Caribbean Slavery in the Eighteenth Century
Maria Ryan
Florida State University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Chair: Naomi Andre, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Chair(s): Naomi André

Presenter(s): Julia Doe, Rebecca Geoffroy-Schwinden, Aimee González, Mary Caton Lingold, Henry Stoll

Business meeting of the Committee on the Publication of American Music
Stephanie Vander Wel
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Location: Director's Row F

Stephanie Vander Wel

AMS Council
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
AMS Global Music History Business Meeting
Hyun Kyong Hannah Chang
University of Sheffield
Location: Plaza Ballroom E

Hyun Kyong Hannah Chang

AMS Music and Philosophy Study Group Business Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Chair: Kyle Christopher Kaplan, Syracuse University
Chair: Patrick Nickleson, University of Alberta
Decolonizing Mode in the Twenty-First Century Music History Classroom
Jacob Ryan Ludwig
The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music,
Location: Majesty Ballroom

Chair(s): Pamela F. Starr, Stephen C. Meyer

Presenter(s): Jacob Ryan Ludwig

Haydn Society of North America Annual General Meeting and Business Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 10
LGBTQ Study Group Business Meeting
Maria Murphy
University of Pennsylvania
Location: Vail

Maria Murphy

Music Copyright Office Hours: Ask a Theorist-Attorney!
Location: Plaza Exhibit

SMT Booth 408 

Bring your burning music copyright questions to the Exhibit Hall and chat with music theorists whose work in music theory has brought them to the law. 

Notation, Inscription and Visualization Study Group Business Meeting
Ginger Dellenbaugh
American Musicological Society,
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Chair: Ginger Dellenbaugh, Yale University
Chair: Giulia Accornero, Yale University

Closed meeting.


Ginger Dellenbaugh

Open Access Musicology
Location: Columbine
Overcoming Barriers, Using Assets as ADHD Scholars in Musicology
Stephanie Frakes
University of Manitoba,
Location: Plaza Ballroom F

Chair(s): Jeannette DiBernardo Jones

Presenter(s): Peter Lamothe, Stephanie Frakes, Jeannette DiBernardo Jones

Popular Music Study Group Business Meeting
Amy Coddington
Amherst College
Location: Grand Ballroom II

Amy Coddington

SMT Jazz Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
SMT Music Cognition Interest Group Meeting
Location: Denver
SMT Music Informatics & Music Theory Pedagogy Interest Groups Meeting
Location: Silver
SMT Timbre & Orchestration Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
SMT Work & Family Interest Group Meeting
Location: Plaza Court 1
Speed Networking
Location: South Convention Lobby
AMS Board Meet & Greet 3
Location: Plaza Exhibit
Composition and Indigeneity
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Chair: Cintia Cristia

Language, Ethics, and Death: '...And Points North' by Stuart Saunders Smith

Rose Martin

Pasatono Orquesta Mexicana: Tensions Surrounding Indigenous Performativity and Concert Music

Mercedes Alejandra Payan Ramirez

Pious Ears: Rendering the Obscene Audible in the Archives of the New Spain Inquisition

Cibele Moura

Conceptualizing Mode and Key
Location: Windows
Chair: Christine Getz, University of Iowa

Alignment between Mode and Character in Operas by Francesca Caccini and Elisabeth de la Guerre

Solomon Guhl-Miller

Cipriano de Rore’s _Il primo libro de madrigali a5_ (1542) and a Defense of Mode

Seth J Coluzzi

On Earth as it is in Scale Degree Seven: Understanding the Mixolydian Mode in “Revelation Song”

Dylan Crosson

Fields, Gardens, and Labyrinths
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Chair: Emily Loeffler

Escaping from “dust and noise” to the “verdant abodes of feather’d minstrels”: The Politics of Sound in London’s Eighteenth-Century Pleasure Gardens

Ashley Greathouse

From the Tiber to the Thames: Thomas Watson’s Italian Madrigalls Englished and the Naturalization of Marenzio’s Musical Arcadia

Joseph Olivier Gauvreau

Gardens, Modulations and Sacred Architecture in Marin Marais’s “Le Labyrinthe”

Eric William Tinkerhess

From Political Work to Homoerotic Play: Music in Cults of James and Anna
K. Dawn Grapes
Colorado State University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Chair: Linda Austern

Chair(s): Linda Austern

Discussant(s): Linda Austern


Presentations of the Symposium


The Countess of Bedford, Royal Imagery, and Artistic Patronage in the Age of Elizabeth and Anna

K. Dawn Grapes


Spying on Oriana: Homoerotic Codenames and the Politics of Amadís and Diana’s Nymphs

Alexandra Siso, Jeremy L. Smith


“Passing the Love of Women”: Anthems and Queer-World Making in the Jacobean Era

Jordan Hugh Sam

How George Bridgetower Flourished: A Violinist's Bridge Between Past and Future
Nicole Cherry
University of Texas at San Antonio
Location: Governor's Sq. 14

Nicole Cherry

Music and the Law
Ginger Dellenbaugh
Yale University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 17
Chair: Eric Drott

Chair(s): Eric Drott


Presentations of the Symposium


Sing for the competition and go to prison: How the Italian “opera war” of Victorian London shaped contract and labor law

Matt Stahl


What was an Author?

Ginger Dellenbaugh

News, American Politics, and the Stage
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Chair: Hannah Lewis

“Welcome to America”: Exoticizing the United States in David Henry Hwang/Jeanine Tesori’s Soft Power (2018)

Zachary Lloyd

Anthemic Aspirations and Operatic Opinions: Rallying Communities in An American Soldier (2018) and The Central Park Five (2019)

Allison Chu

Sex Crimes and 1990s Politics in KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN and PARADE

Michael Andrew Bennett

Operetta and cultural transfer in Europe
Mirjana Plath
University of Oslo,
Location: Vail
Chair: Sarah Hibberd

Chair(s): Sarah Hibberd


Presentations of the Symposium


“The best from abroad is good enough for the people of Amsterdam”. Operetta transfer in Amsterdam’s theatrical landscape, 1860-1880

Veerle Maria Everdina Driessen


German operetta as a means of escape for Nazi persecutees to Stockholm in the 1930s

Mirjana Plath


From fantasias to cineoperette: operetta transfer and intermediality in the experience of the Casa Sonzogno (1874-1915)

Alessandra Palidda

Vocal Timbre in Popular Music
Location: Plaza Ballroom F
Chair: Gayle Murchison, William and Mary

"Strange Fruit," a Musical Ekphrasis

Guillermo A. Luppi

Listening for Tammi: Vocal Identity in the Duets of Gaye and Terrell

Andrew Flory

Shanghai Nights: The Cultural Politics of Vocal Timbre in 20th-century Chinese Popular Music

Annie Yangan Liu

SMT Business Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom I

Open to all attendees.

SMT Awards Ceremony
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Scott Joplin's Ragtime
Location: Governor's Sq. 14
Chair: Matt Brounley, American Musicological Society
Presenter: Marilyn Nonken, New York University
Bases and Superstructures: Academic Music Studies and the Capitalist Present
Location: Plaza Ballroom F

Chair(s): Amy Bauer


Presentations of the Symposium


Can there be a Radical Black (Marxist) Schenkerism?

Bryan Parkhurst


Musical Development: Toward a Materialist Critique of Classical Music

Marianna Ritchey


Putting Class in Classical Music

John Pippen

East Asia, Composition, and Transnationalism
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Chair: Sarah Lucas

Decentralized Duets: The Dynamics of Music-Making in American-Korean Collaborations

Mingyeong Son

Retranslating Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde

Edwin Li

Un-yung La, Béla Bartók, and the Beginning of Korean Musical Avant-garde

Jung-Min Mina Lee

Historicizing Queerness
Location: Plaza Ballroom D
Chair: Kimberly Francis, University of Guelph

Dead Divas and Duets for One: Jesse Shepard, Queer Musical Mediumship, and Intermundane Vocal Drag

Gabrielle Elaine Ferrari

Facing the Music: Evangelical Beliefs and Queer Identities in the Christian Contemporary Music Industry

Anneli Loepp Thiessen

The Queer Musical Temporality of Vernon Lee

Jessica Gabriel Peritz

Histories of Pedagogy/Pedagogies of History
Darren Mueller
Eastman School of Music,
Location: Plaza Ballroom E

Chair(s): Darren Mueller

Discussant(s): Kenneth Prouty


Presentations of the Symposium


The Performance and Pedagogy of Ron Miles

Darren Mueller


Supporting Gender Inclusivity in Jazz Education

Annie Booth


Jazz and Academization in Los Angeles and Oakland, California

Jennifer Ye Ji Cho


The Institutes in Jazz Criticism

Christi Jay Wells

Late 16th–Early 17th-Century Polyphony
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Chair: Melinda Latour

Ad sacrum convivium: The Mediating Role of Confraternal Music in the German Counter-Reformation

Alexander John Fisher

Motet persona: Vicente Lusitano, polyphonist of color, and his quest for legitimacy

Bernardo Illari

Motets and Mandates: Austrian Habsburg Responses to the Ottoman Empire during the Long War (1593–1606)

D. Linda Pearse

Lessons from Avian Organology
Robert Vincent Giglio
Location: Governor's Sq. 17

Chair(s): Matthew Zeller, Lidia Chang

Presenter(s): Emily I. Dolan

Machine Sounds
Location: Majesty Ballroom
Chair: Zachary Wallmark, University of Oregon

“The Bell heard ‘round the world”

Kate Mancey

Chasing modernity on two wheels: Music for bicycling on stage in fin-de-siècle Milan

Taryn Dubois

Pinball’s Influence on Early Video Game Music

Neil Lerner

Race and Identity in Colonial Latin America
Location: Windows
Chair: Henry Stoll

'Barroco hispano-guaraní' Music: Decolonizing Paraguayan Early Modern Repertories

Camila Corvalan Ocampos

“Animales sin Razón” in 16th Century New Spain: Music as a Theopolitical Intervention on the Capacities of the Human

Matthew Gilbert

Listening to Black Voices in Early Modern New Spain

Ireri E Chávez Bárcenas

Rethinking Intercultural Composition
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Chair: Olga Haldey, University of Maryland

“A Letter from Siberia”: Tālivaldis Ķeniņš and Canadian Cultural Diplomacy within the Latvian SSR (1989-1991)

Daniel David Jordan

Unification of Indian and Western Musical Idioms in Reena Esmail's "Meri Sakhi Ki Avaaz" ("My Sister's Voice")

Craig B. Parker

Wagnerian Parodies
Adeline Anastasia Heck
Location: Vail
Chair: Feng-Shu Lee, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Chair(s): Feng-Shu Lee


Presentations of the Symposium


Irreverent Wagnerism: French Literary Parodies of Wagner in the Fin de Siècle (1885-1895)

Adeline Anastasia Heck


French Instrumental Parodies of Wagner in the 1880s

François Delécluse


The Element of Parody in Anna Russell’s Wagner

Jeremy Coleman

Music Copyright Office Hours: Ask a Theorist-Attorney!
Location: Plaza Exhibit

SMT Booth 408 

Bring your burning music copyright questions to the Exhibit Hall and chat with music theorists whose work in music theory has brought them to the law. 

SMT Plenary: Public Music Theory
Location: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Stephen Rodgers, University of Oregon

Submit questions for the panel at the following link:


SMT Plenary: Public Music Theory

Harald Krebs, Cory Arnold, Lydia Bangura, Alyssa Barna, J. Daniel Jenkins

AMS Career Development Grants in American Music: Check-in 2
Location: Director's Row E
AMS Business Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom II
AMS Awards Ceremony
Location: Grand Ballroom II
CCM Reception
Location: Plaza Court 1
AMS/SMT Awards Reception
Location: Windows
SMT Disability and Music Interest Group Meeting
Location: Grand Ballroom I
SMT Improvisation Interest Group Meeting
Location: Silver
SMT Music and Philosophy Interest Group Meeting
Location: Denver
SMT Performance and Analysis Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 15
SMT Scholars for Social Responsibility Interest Group Meeting
Location: Governor's Sq. 11
Kyle Christopher Kaplan
University College Dublin,
Location: Vail

Chair(s): Kyle Kaplan


Presentations of the Symposium


Earth as Sound Archive

Peter McMurray


Materiality, Mobility, and Music in an Early Modern Maritime Archive

Nathan Reeves


How would a post-custodial archive look like in the case of the AUMI Consortium?

Valentina Bertolani


What is the Status of a Vaulted Tape When the Building Burns?

Michael Heller

Music and Dance Study Group Business Meeting
Stephen S. Hudson
Occidental College
Location: Plaza Ballroom D

Stephen S. Hudson

Music, Sound, and the Making of Eco-Culture
Heidi Lee Jensen
Alfred University,
Location: Governor's Sq. 17

Chair(s): Ludim Pedroza, Heidi Jensen, Emily MacCallum


Presentations of the Symposium


“More than Topography and Landforms: Musical Depictions of Southern Utah’s Wilderness"

Kirsten Barker


"Surface Reflections: Hearing the Eco-History of Town Branch in Lexington, KY"

Megan Murph


"The Re-Purposing of Folk Culture in the Struggle Against Resource Extractivism in Contemporary Greece"

Dimitris Gkoulimaris


“Goin’ to the Big Oil Show: Celebrating Oil in Song"

Jamie Meyers-Riczu


"A Playlist for the Anthropocene: Elements of a Music-Ecological Aesthetics"

Alex Rehding

Retrofitting the Bandura for a Soviet Childhood: Ukraine’s National Instrument, Violent Erasures, and the Plan for a Communist Music
Susan Boynton
Location: Majesty Ballroom

Chair(s): Susan Boynton, Ryan Bunch

Discussant(s): Anicia Timberlake, Knar Abrahamyan, Joy Calico


Presentations of the Symposium


Retrofitting the Bandura for a Soviet Childhood: Ukraine's National Instrument, Violent Erasures, and the Plan for a Communist Music

Maria Sonevytsky

Teaching Popular Music Studies: Pedagogy and Curriculum
Amy Coddington
Location: Governor's Sq. 14

Chair(s): Mikkel Vad, Amy Coddington


Presentations of the Symposium


Soundscapes Of Learning: Rhythm Rhymes & Revolution in Education

Suzi Analogue


Music Videos as Music History

Brad Osborn


Differentiated Instruction of Popular-Music Analysis

Jeremy Smith


Unlearning through Popular Music: Teaching Speech-Melody Relationships in Cantopop from a Non-native Speaker’s Perspective

Edwin Li


Ungrading Jazz: Listening and Writing as Decolonial Pedagogy in the Undergraduate Jazz History Survey

Ken Tianyuan Ge


Post-respectability Politics and Hip Hop in the Classroom

Larissa A. Irizarry

UCLA Musicology Alumni Party
Location: Plaza Ballroom A
Honoring Susan Youens
Location: Director's Row I
McGill Reception
Location: Tower Court B
University of Pennsylvania Department of Music Reception
Location: Director's Row H
Stanford University Department of Music Reception
Location: Tower Court A
Yale Alumni and Friends Reception
Location: Grand Ballroom II
AP Music Theory Reception
Location: Director's Row J
CUNY Party
Location: Governor's Sq. 16
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Networking Reception
Location: Tower Court C
Princeton University Party for Students, Alumni, and Friends
Location: Tower Court D
University of Illinois Reception
Location: Gold
University of North Texas Reception
Location: Governor's Sq. 10
University of Texas at Austin Alumni Reception
Location: Governor's Sq. 12
Cornell Reception
Location: Plaza Ballroom E
University of California, Berkeley Alumni Reception
Location: Plaza Ballroom F