Conference Agenda

The Online Program of events for the 2023 AMS & SMT Joint Annual Meeting appears below. This program is subject to change. The final program will be published in early November.

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Session Overview
Message Music: Musicology and Social Movements
Friday, 10/Nov/2023:
4:00pm - 5:30pm

Session Chair: Jessie Ann Owens, University of California, Davis
Session Chair: Roger Freitas, Eastman School of Music
Presenter: Reiland Rabaka, University of Colorado Boulder
Presenter: Loren Kajikawa, George Washington University
Location: Plaza Ballroom D

Session Topics:

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Message Music: Musicology and Social Movements

Chair(s): Jessie Ann Owens (UC Davis), Roger Freitas (Eastman School of Music)

Presenter(s): Reiland Rabaka (University of Colorado Boulder), Loren Kajikawa (George Washington University)

Organized by the AMS Development Committee.

Join us for a conversation between Reiland Rabaka and Loren Kajikawa. This fund-raising event will benefit the Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship for Minority Scholars and the Eileen Southern Travel Fund for minority undergraduate and terminal master’s students to attend the AMS Annual Meeting.

Profs. Rabaka and Kajikawa will engage in a wide-ranging conversation based on their mutual interests in music, history, culture, and race in twentieth- and twenty-first-century America. They may explore the nature of an intersectional musicology, innovation and tradition in the musicology of popular music, and the role of music in social movements. Questions from the audience will form an important part of the conversation.

This is a ticketed event. The $5 minimum donation ($10 at the door) will be split between support for the Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship* and the Eileen Southern Travel Grant Fund*. Larger donations are of course encouraged.

*The Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship supports a year of graduate study in music scholarship for a member of a historically underrepresented group. The Eileen Southern Travel Grants provide support to attend the AMS Annual Meeting to minority undergraduates and terminal master’s degree candidates interested in exploring careers in musicology.

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Conference: AMS-SMT 2023 Joint Annual Meeting
Conference Software: ConfTool Pro 2.6.151+TC
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