Conference Agenda

The Online Program of events for the 2023 AMS & SMT Joint Annual Meeting appears below. This program is subject to change. The final program will be published in early November.

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Session Overview
Joint New Attendee Reception
Thursday, 09/Nov/2023:
12:30pm - 2:00pm

Location: Plaza Ballroom A

Session Topics:
AMS, SMT, Receptions

Session Abstract

Attending the annual meeting for the first time? Meet new colleagues and be welcomed by members of the boards and councils of AMS and SMT! The New Attendee Reception is a great opportunity to make new friends and get your bearings at your first annual meeting.

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Conference: AMS-SMT 2023 Joint Annual Meeting
Conference Software: ConfTool Pro 2.6.151+TC
© 2001–2024 by Dr. H. Weinreich, Hamburg, Germany