Conference Agenda

The Online Program of events for the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting appears below. This program is subject to change. The final program will be published in early November.

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Session Overview
From Prague and Beyond: Slavic Routes for Voices and Winds
Saturday, 16/Nov/2024:
4:00pm - 5:30pm

Location: Red Lacquer Ballroom

4th floor, Palmer House Hilton Hotel
Session Topics:

Session Abstract

The Newberry Consort and Schola Antiqua present a concert of works engaging the musical culture of Renaissance Prague. Inspired by a previous touring program curated by Erika Honisch and including a tribute to Lenka Hlávková, the two ensembles come together for the first time to perform scintillating works by Jan Trojan Turnovský, Kryštof Harant, Philippe de Monte, Jacobus Handl-Gallus, Jan Vencálek, Nicolaus Zangius, Michael Praetorius, Orlando di Lasso, and earlier sources for voices and Renaissance winds.

The 90-minute program will be illuminated with projected images and translations, and in-concert remarks by scholars Liza Malamut, Michael Anderson, and Erika Honisch.

No proposals were assigned to this session.

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Conference: AMS 2024 Annual Meeting
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