Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Date: Sunday, 03/Sept/2023
Short Course 1: Advanced group-sequential and adaptive confirmatory clinical trial designs, with R practicals using rpact
Location: Lecture Room U1.111
Short Course 2: Bayesian methods for missing covariates in longitudinal studies
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
Short Course 3: Implementing the estimand framework in global drug development: Application of causal inference approaches
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
Short Course 4: Go fastR: High Performance Computing with R
Location: Lecture Room U1.101
IBS Council meeting
Location: Seminar Room U1.191
Coffee Break
Short Course 1: Advanced group-sequential and adaptive confirmatory clinical trial designs, with R practicals using rpact
Location: Lecture Room U1.111
Short Course 2: Bayesian methods for missing covariates in longitudinal studies
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
Short Course 3: Implementing the estimand framework in global drug development: Application of causal inference approaches
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
Short Course 4: Go fastR: High Performance Computing with R
Location: Lecture Room U1.101
IBS Council meeting
Location: Seminar Room U1.191
Short Course 1: Advanced group-sequential and adaptive confirmatory clinical trial designs, with R practicals using rpact
Location: Lecture Room U1.111
Short Course 2: Bayesian methods for missing covariates in longitudinal studies
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
Short Course 5: Target Trial Emulation for Causal Inference from Real-World Data
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
Short Course 7: Model and Algorithm Evaluation in Supervised Machine Learning
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
IBS Council meeting
Location: Seminar Room U1.191
Short Course 6: Improving Precision and Power in Randomized Trials by Leveraging Baseline Variables
Location: Seminar Room U1.197
Meeting ID: 914 3322 4729 Passcode: 423291
IBS DR Council meeting
Location: Seminar Room U1.195
Coffee Break
Short Course 1: Advanced group-sequential and adaptive confirmatory clinical trial designs, with R practicals using rpact
Location: Lecture Room U1.111
Short Course 2: Bayesian methods for missing covariates in longitudinal studies
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
Short Course 5: Target Trial Emulation for Causal Inference from Real-World Data
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
Short Course 7: Model and Algorithm Evaluation in Supervised Machine Learning
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
IBS Council meeting
Location: Seminar Room U1.191
Short Course 6: Improving Precision and Power in Randomized Trials by Leveraging Baseline Variables
Location: Seminar Room U1.197
same meeting details
IBS DR Council meeting
Location: Seminar Room U1.195
Date: Monday, 04/Sept/2023
Opening Remarks
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid with zoom
Keynote 1: Causal inference with observational data: A survival guide by Ruth Keogh
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid with zoom
Poster 1: Poster Speed Session 1
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid with zoom
Coffee Break
S1: Neutral comparison studies in methodological research
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
S2: Anticipated non-proportional hazards in confirmatory RCTs: Should we still use a Cox model and log-rank test?
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
S3: Prediction models
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
S4: Biometrical Journal Showcase
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
S5: Finding the right dose – Project Optimus and beyond
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
S6: Statistical Modeling I
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
S7: Statistical hypothesis testing
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
Business Meeting 3: AG Bayes-Methodik
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
Business Meeting: AG Non-Clinical Statistics
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
Business Meeting 2: AG Landwirtschaftliches Versuchswesen
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
S8: Statistics in Practice 1
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
S9: A causal inference perspective on estimands in clinical trials
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
S10: Personalized health care
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
S11: Safety and benefit/risk assessment in master protocols
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
S12: Critical cross-disciplinary collaboration in dose optimization in oncology
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
S13: Statistical Modeling II
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
S14: Clinical trials I
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
Coffee Break
S15: Statistics in Practice 2
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
S16: Causal discovery with a view to the life sciences
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
S17: Prognostic and predictive biomarkers in personalized medicine
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
S18: Clinical trials II
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
S19: Oncology trials
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
S20: Statistical Modeling III
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
S21: General Topics
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
Wine Tasting at Biozentrum
Informal Apero with the opportunity to network and taste wine.
Date: Tuesday, 05/Sept/2023
Keynote 2: Statistical methods to analyse the structure of the microbiome based on cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus) data by Alicja Szabelska-Beręsewicz
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid with zoom 2
Poster 2: Poster Speed Session 2
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid with zoom 2
Coffee Break
S22: Net benefit, win odds, and win ratio: Methods, analysis, and interpretation
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
S23: Time-to-event analysis I
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
S24: Machine learning
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
S25: Young Statisticians 1
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
S26: Multiple testing
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
S27: Statistical issues in health care provider comparisons
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
S28: Meta-analysis and systematic reviews I
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
Business Meeting 7: EFSPI methodology leaders group (by invitation only)
Location: Lecture Room U1.141
For group members
Business Meeting 6: AG Nachwuchs
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
Business Meeting 4: AG Nichtparametrische Methoden
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
Roundtable Discussion: Statistical issues in health care provider comparisons
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
Business Meeting 5: AG Population Genetics and Genome Analysis
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
S29: Generalized pairwise comparisons
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
S30: Time-to-event analysis II
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
S31: Interpretable machine learning in biostatistics: Methods, applications and perspectives
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
S32: Young Statisticians 2
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
S33: Endpoints in clinical trials and medical product development
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
S34: Meta-analysis and systematic reviews II
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
S35: Epidemiology
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
Coffee Break
S36: Adaptive designs
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
S37: Causal estimands for time to event data
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
S38: From multivariate to high-dimensional and functional data
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
S39: Young Statisticians Panel - "Should I stay or should I go"
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
Panel participants:
Anne-Laure Boulesteix (LMU München)
Annika Hoyer (Universität Bielefeld)
Antonella Mazzei (Bristol Myers Squibb; Universität Bern)
Christian Müller (LMU München; Helmholtz Zentrum München)
Silke Szymczak (Universität zu Lübeck)
S40: Beyond the two-trials paradigm for generating pivotal evidence in drug development
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
S41: Use of external data
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
S42: Simulation studies
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
Townhall Reception
Location: Basel Town Hall (Basler Rathaus)
Bring your conference badge with you to participate in the townhall reception. Badges will be checked at the entrance.
Walking instructions are in the link below. Alternatively, you can take bus number 31, 36 or 38 from Metzerstrasse station to Schifflände station which is just a 2-minute walk away.
Date: Wednesday, 06/Sept/2023
S43: Causal inference
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
S44: Online hypothesis testing and subgroup analyses in complex innovative designs
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
S45: High-dimensional analysis
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
S46: Data Monitoring Committees 1
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
S47: Statistical software engineering in the pharmaceutical industry
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
S48: Sample size considerations
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
S49: Safety evaluations
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
Coffee Break
S50: Covariate adjustment in RCTs
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
S51: IBS-DR / IBS-ROeS Award Session
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
S52: Random forests
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
S53: Real-world evidence
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
S54: Software engineering
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
S55: Non-clinical and toxicology studies
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
S56: Data Monitoring Committees 2
Location: Seminar Room U1.195
DR Assembly
Location: Lecture Room U1.111
RoES Assembly
Location: Lecture Room U1.131
Excursion: Excursion on Rehberger Weg
Bring your conference badge with you to participate in the excursion. Badges will be checked before boarding the bus. Departure: We will depart in buses from the conference venue to the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein (Germany) at 15:00. If you want to go to the Vitra Campus by yourself, you can find a travel description at this link. In this case, please make sure that you arrive at Vitra before 15:30. Walk: We will walk the Rehberger-Weg. The Rehberger-Weg, which is around five kilometers long, links two countries, two municipalities, two cultural institutions – and countless stories. The path runs between Weil am Rhein and Riehen, between the Vitra Campus and the Fondation Beyeler. The walk will end at the restaurant of the conference dinner. Equipment: During the walks the national border is crossed. Please carry an identity card, a water bottle and wear sturdy shoes! We recommend that you download the Multimedia Guide “24 Stops” on your mobile which is available...
Conference Dinner
Location: Restaurant Landgasthof Riehen
Bring your conference badge with you to the dinner. Badges will be checked at the entrance and contain codes for your chosen dinner options.
Date: Thursday, 07/Sept/2023
S57: Causal inference and the art of asking meaningful questions
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
S58: Innovative clinical trial designs
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
S59: Volume-outcome relationships in health care
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
S60: Variable selection
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
S61: Statistical strategies in toxicology
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
S62: Epidemic short-term forecasting in real time
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
S63: Analysis of omics data I
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
Coffee Break
S64: Estimands
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
S65: Advancing clinical trial design in rare diseases
Location: Lecture Room U1.131 hybrid
S66: Advanced survival analysis
Location: Lecture Room U1.141 hybrid
S67: Dieter Hauschke Memorial
Location: Lecture Room U1.101 hybrid
S68: Design of preclinical experiments
Location: Seminar Room U1.191 hybrid
S70: COVID-19
Location: Seminar Room U1.197 hybrid
S69: Analysis of omics data II
Location: Seminar Room U1.195 hybrid
Keynote 3: Learning from other Intensive Care Units: can we improve statistical predictions? by Peter Bühlmann
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid with zoom 3
Closing Remarks
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid with zoom 3
STRATOS 1: STRATOS Satellite Symposium - Session 1
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
STRATOS 2: STRATOS Satellite Symposium - Session 2
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid
STRATOS 3: STRATOS Satellite Symposium - Session 3: Methodological research needs to improve – getting involved to increase future contributions of the STRATOS initiative
Location: Lecture Room U1.111 hybrid

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